Monthly Shootout: December 2017 - Let the snow fly!

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Monthly Shootout: December 2017 - Let the snow fly!

Post by JaxTeller »

[b]FIRST RULE: NO RULES![/b] - yeah, this is totally fun. And let us keep it that way. No prizes. No trophies - not even the participation kind. So there. Let us be clear.

Shoot as many targets as you like, as many shots as you like. 100, 200 yard or more with a .204 Ruger. 25 and 50 yard with any rimfire caliber of your choice.*

Supply your own targets or buy 'em at your local gun shop. As long as it has a well defined center/bullseye. If you are cheap like me, use a paper plate and a red marker. That is good enough. No mailing in. No waiting on targets. You can remain anonymous, and all we'll see is your screen name.

There are some good old standards IF you want to try to be in a match up. 5 shots at 25 & 50 yards and 3 shots at 100 (or more) yds. That is only a suggestion - it is NOT a rule!!

List your guns and ammo - so our members and others know what you were shooting.

Also note front or rear rests when used, bipod, bags, lead sled etc.

It's not a rule - just a fact - a hole in a target is going to count! 6 holes is 6 holes - NO throw a ways!

Similar optics and distances will be compiled as groups - SCORING & ALL shooters will be included in the monthly 'report'.

Post a picture (or scan) of the target you want to submit with the measurement below - use calipers, a ruler or use "On Target"

Download here (a great tool) >>>><<<<

DEADLINE for shooting is Sunday, December 31st, 2017 @ midnight. Submit your scores by Wednesday, January 3rd, 2018 @ midnight.

PLEASE post (in text) any information about gun, ammo, optics and score - THIS makes the report a lot smoother. Cut-and-Paste REALLY helps with scoring. (Sample below)

Please include a photo of the gun used (range pics a plus as well!) - We LOVE photos!

On to a final few things:


Score your group in inches. Then measure distance from bulls-eye to your furthest shot. Add these two. That is your score for that target.

List your score like this: ---

Any Brand Rifle .204 Ruger, 22"
Front and rear bags
3 shots
100 yards
Nikon Acculon Glass 3-9 X 40 Scope
32gr Hornady V-max Ammo
Far shot: .370
Group: .293
Total: 0.663"
Junior Member
Posts: 50
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2015 6:22 am
.204 Ruger Guns: None

Re: Monthly Shootout: December 2017 - Let the snow fly!

Post by JaxTeller »

Good luck!

I have this weekend to try and fill my last deer tag for the year. Muzzleloader. After that a short break, and then off to hunt some coyotes.
New Member
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Joined: Wed Aug 31, 2016 5:26 pm
.204 Ruger Guns: Savage 12 FCV

Re: Monthly Shootout: December 2017 - Let the snow fly!

Post by 204Nut »

I guess I'll start us off this month. Went out last Sunday to shoot some of my loads. I had loaded up 50 rounds with virgin Hornady brass a few months ago and decided it would be a good time to shoot some. I set up a 4" steel target at 300 yards and two paper targets. I took 5 shots at the steel target with no luck. So I took a shot at one of the paper targets and realized I was hitting 4 inches left of where I usually do (same load but this was virgin brass, not fire-formed). Once I dialed over the proper amount I got a hit on the steel target. I would have kept shooting the steel but flimsy mounting couldn't handle the bullet impact.

Here is the info for my 300 yard target:

Savage Model 12 FCV .204 Ruger, 26"
Front bipod and rear bag
5 shots
300 yards
Mueller Eraticator 8.5-25x50
39 gr SBK
26.2 gr H4895
Virgin Hornady brass
CCI 400 Primers
Far shot: 1.735"
Group: 1.735"
Total: 3.47"
2017-12-03 16.43.37.jpg
2017-12-03 16.43.37.jpg (5.18 MiB) Viewed 3844 times
2017-12-10 09.50.21.jpg
2017-12-10 09.50.21.jpg (3.5 MiB) Viewed 3844 times
2017-12-10 09.50.50.jpg
2017-12-10 09.50.50.jpg (3.62 MiB) Viewed 3844 times
Junior Member
Posts: 50
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2015 6:22 am
.204 Ruger Guns: None

Re: Monthly Shootout: December 2017 - Let the snow fly!

Post by JaxTeller »

Good shooting, 204nut. Our de facto winner!

300 Yards:

Savage Model 12 FCV .204 Ruger, 26"
Front bipod and rear bag
5 shots
300 yards
Mueller Eraticator 8.5-25x50
39 gr SBK
26.2 gr H4895
Virgin Hornady brass
CCI 400 Primers
Far shot: 1.735"
Group: 1.735"
Total: 3.47"
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