What about for cleaning in the field? It seems most bore cleaning products I'm aware of are intended to stay in the bore for an extended period to do their work.
I use Sweet's, but I'm thinking of trying Sharpshoot-R Wipe-Out/Patch-Out with Accelerator.
I've had pretty good luck with Hoppes #9 for the powder and Sweets 7.62 for the copper. My .204 is probably my worst rifle for fouling. But I've had a gunsmith scope the barrel and he says it looks new and he mentioned whatever I'm doing to clean it, keep doing it because it's working. It's really interesting to see what others are using to clean their bores. I might try a few of these out. Thanks guys!
I used Wipe Out foam on my .204 and got a lot of copper out, then I used Hoppe's #9 and cleaned the normal way until I was getting a clean patch, thought I had it down to bare metal. A couple days later I put some Montana Extreme through it and got a bunch more copper out! The Montana Extreme is strong smelling and you must use it with lots of ventilation but I'm sold on it. You don't want to leave it in the barrel any longer than what it says in the directions though. It was recommended by gun writer John Barsness. He said that he gets lots of barrel cleaning stuff sent to him to try and so far Momtana Extreme has worked the best.
I usually put a couple patches of Montana 50 BMG Copper Killer, dry patch, Wipe Out accelerator and then Wipe Out spray foam. Normally only takes a couple dry patches to clean it out and finish it out with a patch of Eezox. Done!