Electronic powder dipencers

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Wrangler John
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Re: Electronic powder dipencers

Post by Wrangler John »

Sidewinderwa wrote:I really like my RCBS 1500 powder dispenser. I have checked it with my balance beam and it has always been accurate. My older eyes have a hard time looking at the scale to see if it is on the center mark. It is so nice just to wait for the beep and put it in my case and it automatically starts the next one. I have had good groups with my rifles using the automatic dispenser with my rifles so I have not experienced a draw back. I listen to books on my MP3 player daily. I can listen to it while working around the house or while I am driving. Makes those 6 hour drives to skippyville much more enjoyable. :lol:
Nothing wrong with using technology to overcome age related problems. After all, I have to stuff two Worker's Comp hearing aids in before I can hear consonants. These new ones even have a radio link between them and adjust with a remote control! Then there is the CPAP machine for sleep apnea, it has a computer to adjust pressure as I sleep. Then I wear a night guard to protect my teeth from grinding during sleep. The dentist didn't laugh when I mentioned that most of my teeth are gold and porcelain, with three of them titanium implants, so what's grinding?

I can still see the marks on a scale, made possible by trifocals. My vision really improves when I see the cross hairs or dot anywhere near skippy - oh, be still my beating heart. SPLAT - YES!

Many years ago I exchanged Madera for Metamucil.

The MP3 player is a good idea, but they usually don't have enough volume for me to hear without hearing aids, and they don't drive over the ear earphones - Catch 22. Now all we need need is the fountain of youth. :D
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Re: Electronic powder dipencers

Post by Sidewinderwa »

I had problems with drafts on smaller electronic scales but no problem at all with the RCBS scale. The Lyman scale has some electronic static issues, but they are easily remedied. I like to try to keep up on the new reloading powders, gadgets and processes to see if I can improve my groups and make the job easier. What ever snaps your garter honey, as my now departed cousin used to say. Yes age has a way of making you look at things differently.
Please, no Sidewinder today!
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