This weekends turkey hunt

Experiences and effectiveness in hunting with the 204 Ruger.
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This weekends turkey hunt

Post by fishy »

I headed out to southwest Nebraska this weekend to do some turkey hunting and whenever I head out that way I have to bring a gun that will take out some p dogs. Turkey hunting ended up being a bust, so I took the 204 out for about 2 hours this afternoon and put a few rounds through her at some dogs.

As some of you might remember, I mentioned we had a bench set up on a dam that overlooked a p dog town. Here's a few pics.
Here's a view of the town
and some of the carnage

My shortest shot was 18 yards and the longest was about 225. Took 25 shots with 15 confirmed kills. There was also 3 confirmed misses. The other 7 shots couldn't be confirmed on way or the other.
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Re: This weekends turkey hunt

Post by ryutzy »

It's hard to detect good luck, It looks so much like something you've worked hard for and earned.
Stay humble, Stay teacheable
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