257 Buck

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257 Buck

Post by RLKondo »

Thanks fellas for all the good information on the 257 Weatherby! I started with the 120 gr Partitions, but as I looked closer at the Ballistics, as you suggested, I liked the Barnes Triple Shock 100 gr. and they shot well in my gun.

I took advantage of a late buck tag in WA. We had not seen many bucks the first week, so started watching the does. Finally towards the end found this 4 point hanging with some does. 150 yards and I was happy!

Thanks for all your suggestions, it was a great day with my father and a good end to the season!

Sorry, I thought I knew how to post an image, but no luck.

Here is a link to the photo
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8Std1 ... sp=sharing
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Rick in Oregon
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Re: 257 Buck

Post by Rick in Oregon »

RL: Congrats on a very nice muley buck! Looks like you got to warm up that 257 Whby just like you wanted. That's a good buck in anyone's book! Those Barnes TSX's do the job every time. :D

For posting pics, use the "IMG Code" for copy/paste and your photo will appear on the forum as intended. HTH
Semper Fortis
Rick in Oregon

Oregon, East of the Cascades - Where Common Sense Still Prevails

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