Rock Chuck Walkabout

Talk about hunting the hunters and their prey.
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Rick in Oregon
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Rock Chuck Walkabout

Post by Rick in Oregon »

Monday morning was predicted to be warm and sunny, so if the weather guessers were right, I figured it would be a prime time to get out for a rock chuck walkabout and take my Furball this time (221FB), as I usually take my Cooper M38 20VT affectionately named "Scooter". They were right, and out I went. I don't take any of my 204's here....too noisy and overkill for the average ranges encountered.

The area I cruise is ranchland with old rock piles from early land clearing that chucks have taken up residence within. The adult chucks re-arrange the rocks to offer themselves protected basking areas with good visual perimeter protection. Amazing critters, and if they see you, they bail immediately. Typical shots here are only about 200 yards, so it's head shots only or crawl-off's are assured.


It turned out to be a good morning....for me, not so much for the chucks. The rock pile above yielded the big fellow in the group of four. I'm guessing he'd weigh in at around 16 lbs; one of the largest ones I've ever shot at this property.


Lined up, the size of the big boy becomes apparent. Once I saw him up close, I was a bit saddened to take him out of the local gene pool, but he's got lots of company for family building.


The rifle is my Cooper M38 Phoenix in 221FB, Leupy VX3 6.5-20X LR 40mm with VHR. My load for this one is 20.0 grs of A2200, Rem 7-1/2, Nosler 32gr VG in Lapua cases. Velocity is 3,150 fps, and prints in the low .2's. I can get more speed, but at the expense of accuracy, so it's 3,150 for me with a big smile.

The view as I walked back to my truck, and always reminds me of why I live here.

Next time out for a chuck walkabout, I'll be taking my 20VT, as I'm sure I heard some whining from inside my safe from being left behind this time. ;)
Semper Fortis
Rick in Oregon

Oregon, East of the Cascades - Where Common Sense Still Prevails

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Re: Rock Chuck Walkabout

Post by jpx2rk »

Big boy sure does have small feet. ;) Sounds like another good day for you. Thanks for sharing.
Master Piddler ;)
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