39gr Speer TNT shot pretty good at the range

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39gr Speer TNT shot pretty good at the range

Post by tpcollins »

The weather and wind was decent today so I headed for the range. I had (5) different load amounts of 26.2 grains to 27.4 grains in .3gr increments of IMR 8208 pushing the Speer 39gr TNT. I jerked two rounds as noted but all in all they shot pretty decent (orange targets) at 100 yards. It seems my Tikka T3 shoots better with a higher velocity, the 27.1 and 27.4 rounds each had two bullets touching.

The other pic has (3) 32gr Noslers over H322 on the left and my Tikka still does not like Noslers. The stack on the right is (4) 39gr SBK over (3) differernt ranges of H322. The one oddball near the center was a leftover H4895 over a 39gr SBK round. But as was the case at the range last week, everything seems to shoot high and/or to the left - EXCEPT those darn 32gr Hornady factory V-Max that seem to print dead center everytime. I should quit reloading and just buy the Hornadys.


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Re: 39gr Speer TNT shot pretty good at the range

Post by Bodei »

It takes a steady hand to get all five shots in one group. Suppose that's why so many people do three-shot-groups...
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Re: 39gr Speer TNT shot pretty good at the range

Post by tpcollins »

Bodei wrote:It takes a steady hand to get all five shots in one group. Suppose that's why so many people do three-shot-groups...
I was always under the impression that 3 shots will determine the rifle's capabilities, 5 shots determines the shooter's. I'm looking for the load my Tikka likes the best right now . . . I'll work on my abilities afterwards.
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Re: 39gr Speer TNT shot pretty good at the range

Post by mvpal »

Thanks for posting TP. I am thinking about loading some 32grn TnT's up with H335 and accurate 2520 just because I have had success with it pushing 32grn Hornady's. I should be able to hit the range in the next two weeks. Ill post what I come up with.
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