Anyone use a Hornady seater/crimp die?

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Anyone use a Hornady seater/crimp die?

Post by tpcollins »

All of my rifle dies are the Lee Collet type but I noticed that Hornady's bullet seater die comes with an optional crimp feature. If this does a full 360 degree crimp and not the military type "digs" in the case, I'm thinking this might be a nice feature. Just wondering if anyone has used this before? Thanks.
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Re: Anyone use a Hornady seater/crimp die?

Post by Ol` Joe »

Most seater from Hornady, RCBS, Redding, Lyman, etc have a built in roll crimp feature, even Lee seaters when you get away from their "dead length" seaters.
I don`t crimp any bottle neck cartridges wih the exception of 32spcl for my tube magazined M94. They do hold the 32 spcl bullets in place, but other then that I can`t say much about them.
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Re: Anyone use a Hornady seater/crimp die?

Post by ryutzy »

I have a Hornady die set and used it for a while, then I bought Redding Dies and have never regreted it. Sucks to buy the dies twice.........just buy the best and be done with it. Anyway I did try the crimp with Hornady die sets in my 204 and did not have good luck with it. You can try it but I dont recommend it in the 204. You will most likely be much better off with a Redding Neck bushing type sizing dies instead of trying to crimp the 204. With the bushings you can control exactly how much neck tension you have or want. I learned the hard way and spent more money to buy what I really needed once I learned what I needed. LOL
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Re: Anyone use a Hornady seater/crimp die?

Post by Joe O »

I do have a Hornady 20 cal seating die that I may use because I am getting large ES on my 20 Ackley Bee,with carefully prepped and loaded rounds.Saw a thread that
opt for more tension/crimp on the thinner brass cases,like the 218 Bee.Makes sense,so will try finishing up my loads with a slight roll crimp,after I seat on another die
(Vickerman)with .003 neck tension.
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