Easy coyote

Experiences and effectiveness in hunting with the 204 Ruger.
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Easy coyote

Post by ryutzy »

So I decided to stay in bed this morning instead of going deer hunting becuase the forecast was for high winds and gusts up to 35-40mph. I woke up to snow and much lighter winds. NOT HAPPY with the weather guessers. So I thought I'd do some studying that involves my job, watch the Buckeyes in the bowl game and then maybe take off after the yotes. Well I was getting my eggs, ham, and taters ready for breakfast and I look out my front window and here comes ole wiley coyotey. I make a mad dash for my gun and wanted to grab the 204 but I thought it looked a little breezy and figured it looked like it was going to be a long shot so I grabbed the ole 243. I run out my front door and saw the coyote was headed right towards my house. So I waited and here she came. Now I was wishing for my 204 so bad. She was coming close and I wanted to try out CRTs new 37 grain bullet on her. I thought about running back inside and getting it, then decided that would be stupid and I'd end up with no coyote if I did that. Once she was close she wouldn't stop so I had to pop her on the run. Hit her just a little back and the 75 grain vmax obliterated her midsection. It was ugly. I kept part of her out of the photo and kept the good side to the camera.
This was only a small consolation for not going deer hunting, but maybe I'll shoot a few more today.
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Re: Easy coyote

Post by GTOHunter »

Congratulations on the Easy Coyote Ryutzy.....sometimes its better to be Lucky than good? :chin: :duh: :wink: ;)

You did put the hurt on Her....OUCH!!!! :eew: :D

Re: Easy coyote

Post by K22 »

Nice job Ryutzy. To breezie for the 204.... :lol: I had to laugh at that. I shot a Bobcat the other day thinking it was to breezy, so I held to the left side of the Cat and at 200 plus yards the 37gr. CRT bullet hit exactly where I had the crosshairs. :roll: Here's the real funny part. If I had been shooting my 17 Rem. I would have held dead on and not allowed for any wind drift knowing I wouldn't get any with the 17 caliber. Duh! :duh:
Ya should have grabbed the 204. Out to 300yds the 204 with a 37gr. probably drifts less than the 243 with a 75gr.
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Re: Easy coyote

Post by ryutzy »

K22 Yes I should have grabbed the 204 but the .243 drifts less. The 75 grain vmax has a BC of .330 verses the .232 of CRTs 37 grainer. I am shooting the 75 grain vmax at 3560 fps and the 204 I have not chronographed with CRTs bullets yet, but based on my charges with the 39 SBK I should be in the neighborhood of 3700+. I grabbed the .243 thinking that I would have a 350-400 yard shot and with the wind I wanted the big gun. Little did I know I would shoot her right beside my house. LOL

I still haven't decided on a load with CRTs bullets either as Benchmark, H4895, and 8208 XBR all gave me great results. I have more loaded up to test to try to find the winner, but I'll probably have to see which is shooting faster and go with that load. I am shooting an AR and I am limited in seating depth with my magazine. I feel that CRTs bullets allow me to get the ogive closer to the lands than the sbk because of the bullet design and the HP verses the plastic tip lets me seat the ogive closer. Just my guess, but I'll bet this has something to do with this bullet shooting so well out of my gun. Like I said before I'll give a full report once the wind dies down and I can get some good accurate data. Then I will be leaving the .243 in the safe for a while and exclusively using this bullet on the coyotes.

EDIT: Sorry K22 I jus saw that you said less drift out to 300 yards. Maybe I'm not sure on that though. I usually do my test on drift and on the ballistics calculator at 500. I first saw the coyote at 350-400 yards.
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Re: Easy coyote

Post by K22 »

No problem Ryutzy. I certainly would not belittle the 243 and 75gr. bullets. According to some ballistic programs and confirmed by some small bore experts.......if you can trust that :wink: the velocity of the 37gr. CRT in a 22" barrel using 27.4gr. of 8208 is in the vicinity of 3,875fps.
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Re: Easy coyote

Post by ryutzy »

I've got a 24'' barrel and am shooting 28.2 of 8208. I hope you are right about the velocity however I am shooting an AR and ARs just wont shoot as fast as bolt action guns. I guess it's a combo of being so far away from the lands and the recoil operated action eating up the velocity. With over maximum loads the fasted I could get the 39 sbk with any powder was 3750fps. I got the 32 sbk to go 4020 with 8208 XBR with hot loads. I do not crimp, but I do try to keep my neck tension fairly tight to help build pressure. I may try going to a .001 smaller bushing to see if it will help.
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Re: Easy coyote

Post by K22 »

That was good information to have. It was something I didn't know and I suppose because I don't load for an AR. Well , that's not exactly true, I bulk load for one in 223.
What is your over all length you are loading yours at for the AR? Mine is 2.280 and that fits and functions in my bolt action magazine.
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Re: Easy coyote

Post by ryutzy »

OAL with the SBK is 2.254 is what I settled on. With the CRT 37 grain I started at 2.257 OAL but the bullets were getting scratched up from the feed ramp. My next group of test loads I set at 2.250 to see if that helps. I may have to polish the feed ramps a little more than I already have. The only thing I dont like about the ARs is they are kinda hard on brass and bullets if things arent totally perfect. I dont think I can load past 2.260 and have any room in the magazine
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Re: Easy coyote

Post by K22 »

ryutzy wrote:OAL with the SBK is 2.254 is what I settled on. With the CRT 37 grain I started at 2.257 OAL but the bullets were getting scratched up from the feed ramp. My next group of test loads I set at 2.250 to see if that helps. I may have to polish the feed ramps a little more than I already have. The only thing I dont like about the ARs is they are kinda hard on brass and bullets if things arent totally perfect. I dont think I can load past 2.260 and have any room in the magazine
Wow! A lot shorter than I figured. I backed mine up a touch to get them a little free're in the mag. , so Mine are now at 2.275. Accuracy stayed the same so I'm happy.
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Re: Easy coyote

Post by ryutzy »

what brand magazine are you using?
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Re: Easy coyote

Post by Clint E »

Nice job on the coyote ryutzy .
The 243 does kinda make a mess some times :) .

Re: Easy coyote

Post by K22 »

ryutzy wrote:what brand magazine are you using?
I should have said "magazine well" in my Kimber Montana. Sorry
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Re: Easy coyote

Post by ryutzy »

Duh I should have know cuz you are shooting a Kimber. I wondered because I haven't heard of anyone able to seat them out that far in an AR.
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