204um Challenge News

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Re: 204um Challenge News

Post by jo191145 »

Thanks Ray
I recall you mentioning that and judging in my mind it would work excellent. Never did try it but I will now.
I was in quite a rush before the heavens opened up on me. A little rain for group 2 and then it stopped.
Warm sun later in the day. Its New England. We're fond of saying If you don't like the weather just wait five minutes :) I should have paid closer heed to that saying :lol:

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Re: 204um Challenge News

Post by skipper »

I've been up since 0415 scoring targets. Probably won't be able to announce winners until early next week. I don't want a stray (winning) target coming in after the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT. I'm still waiting for a few targets to come in.

If you know you're not going to return your target, drop me a quick PM. That way we're not waiting in vain.
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Re: 204um Challenge News

Post by skipper »

Here's what I can show you right now. The classes and contenders.

Black Rifle:
Robert Harrel

D Bullock
D Bullock
sniper model 12

happy shooter
happy shooter
Hawkeye Joe
Hawkeye Joe
Ray P
Robert Harrel
Squatting Wolf
Steve V
Steve V
Ulen MN

Factory Custom
Keith in Ga
Ray P
Robert Harrel

Keith in Ga

It takes a lot of guts to put yourself in a position where others will be judging you. To all the contenders, I salute you.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

-Theodore Roosevelt
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Re: 204um Challenge News

Post by skipper »

Here is a picture of the custom made funnels Robert Harrel donated to the winners of each class. Robert makes these funnels, so if you're interested in one, you might drop him a PM. These are made of aluminum and sit just right on top of a .204 case. Very nice, Robert! :wtg:


Here is a picture of the signature icon each 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winner will receive. O.K. Glen, Glenn and Lisa (wife) I'm going to add the year to the icon. Anyhow, this is basically what they will look like. All you will need to do is add a link to your signature block. There will also be one extra made for the overall winner. The overall winner is the lowest aggregate regardless of class.


Some of you will be getting a questionaire via private message. It will ask you questions about your rifle, reloading procedure and shooting technique. I will send this questionaire to the top three shooters in each class. We would like you to use Microsoft Word or some other word processor to write an article about these three topics. You can then copy and paste the article into a post. We would like to know what gave you the edge in this competition. We want to pick your brain for information about how you won so we can give you some stiffer competition, next time. Thanks, in advance. If you need help, I will be very happy to assist you in writing your article.
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Re: 204um Challenge News

Post by WaltherP99 »

This is just a suggestion and it's not to take away from the winners but would it be a bad idea to consider an icon for all those who participated?
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Re: 204um Challenge News

Post by cracker »

skipper are the contenders listed in your contender post listed in order of performance or are they listed randomly.
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Re: 204um Challenge News

Post by OldTurtle »

The list looks pretty much as the alphabet goes...

Skipper, re-check my target as I listed Hornady Factory ammo and a stock Savage rifle... I think I've slipped into a different catagory...

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Re: 204um Challenge News

Post by skipper »

Here is a look at the winners icons.

For the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place Overall Winners:




And, for the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place in Class Winners:




I got four targets in the mail today. One of them was postmarked October 1st. :eek: That means that the end is near. I also got a target that was postmarked September 27th so we'll just have to wait and see how many more come in.

Old Turtle
I got you put in your rightful class.

If I got anybody else in the wrong class, let me know quick.

Hozz57 made a beautiful custom wood loading block for the overall winner. I'll get a picture posted later on when I can get a minute.

Drat!!! I just realized I didn't put the year on the Overall Winner's icons. Maybe, tomorrow, maybe!!!
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Re: 204um Challenge News

Post by skipper »

Please, check your In Box. Some of you have messages that are growing spider webs. Thanks. :D
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Re: 204um Challenge News

Post by 204Shooter »

What is Robert's username so that I can PM him about those funnels. Those are very nice and cool! I have been using one of those little ear things that clicks on the scope a doctor uses to look in your ear. It just fits into the mouth of the case but then I use a bigger funnel placed on top of it that is big enough to pour from my scale tray. A pain in the rear for sure!

I got to get me one of those shiny funnels!!!
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Re: 204um Challenge News

Post by skipper »


His board name is Robert Harrel. Makes it easy to remember.
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Re: 204um Challenge News

Post by skipper »

I got quite a few targets in the mail today. Most of them were postmarked October 1st. We'll wait a couple more days to be sure.

I got one target in the mail today that got my attention. This target is in contention, for sure. I won't mention any names, but his initials are jo191145. ;)

I haven't had time to officially score it, but it's real close. :eek: We might, I say we might have an upset going here. :eek:

Stay tuned for more deatils. I have to go the the school for a band concert tonight. Besides, it just wouldn't be the same if there wasn't a little suspense.
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Re: 204um Challenge News

Post by skipper »

This is day two without an envelope showing up in the mail. I can feel an announcement coming, real soon. Should we do a Dr. Pepper announcement at 10, 2 and 4?
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Re: 204um Challenge News

Post by Hawkeye Joe »

Hawkeye Joe (Mike)
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Re: 204um Challenge News

Post by skipper »

Hawkeye Joe wrote: :whistle:
You said that with such style and restraint. I salute you. :salute: I know the waiting must be hard. I'm dying myself.
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