Some more rockchucks

Experiences and effectiveness in hunting with the 204 Ruger.
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Some more rockchucks

Post by Verminator2 »

Went out for some more 'chucks this afternoon. We got to our spot at 1:20 and started glassing. I spot two right off and my dad gets ready with his Cooper. We range them at 300 yards, he checks his trajectory chart, dials in, and gets ready. The wind is blowing right to left at 8 mph, the 'chuck is facing off to the left and my dad shoots. **Thump** the rockchuck is thrown back into its den :D Now it's my turn, I dial in what my dad did because I don't have trajectory chart. I shoot.... nothing :cry: I shoot some more and finally we get out a target. I'm shooting way low, so I dial up and fire 3 shots at 300 into a 1.5" group :D After I get everything set right I try another shot and hit one, but it makes it back into its hole. It's my dad's turn again and once again the Cooper wacks one first shot, but it got back into its hole :mad: We cleared out the close ones, but now there is another at 380 yards and its my shot. I take a guess and dial up six more clicks, wait for the wind to die down a little, and hold off to the side about 3-4 inches. I send the 39 SBK on its way and it just dumps the 'chuck hard 8) Here are the two we recovered.


As we were leaving the ranch I saw something move on the skyline of a rim. I yank up the binocs and, yep, it's a rockchuck. I get out and shoot over the hood with the bipod. I put the crosshairs under his chin and squeeeeeze. Another one bites the dust.


As we are headed home we stop at a promising rim and glass. I spot one after a couple seconds and my dad lays down on the bed of the flatbed. He shoots and the Cooper claims the biggest 'chuck of the day. :D

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Re: Some more rockchucks

Post by Captqc »

Nice pics! youv'e got to talk your Pop out of that Cooper :chin: I've been drooling over one at Sportsman's but they are just to much for my budget right now :| Gary
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Re: Some more rockchucks

Post by Rick in Oregon »

Verm2: Way to go! Good story, pics, and although I know the chucks would disagree, nice shootin' too! You are fortunate to live where you do.

Every time I see a nice Cooper, especially a 204 wearing great glass like your dad's, I know there's gotta be one in my future some day. A gun safe is just not 'complete' without one I'm thinking.
Semper Fortis
Rick in Oregon

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Re: Some more rockchucks

Post by Captqc »

Okay now, no more talk about Coopers! :eek: I'm having a hard time resisting those sweet rifles and will have to go into therapy if I keep seeing pics of them! :lol: Gary
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