Unfortunately, you are at the point, that you should probably, put this brass in the recycler bin.
I do not have a problem with too much lube in the necks, if you only touch the lube with one finger (enough to put a glaze on the finger tip, but NO excess) and apply to a brush...you are good to go.
The problem CAN happen though...if you have powder sticking to the inside of the case necks. If so, you are using too much lube on the inside of the case neck. Literally, I probably size 1000-1500 cases before needing to lube the brush again.
Takes very little pressure to crush a case, because you are just over the top of the curve of most reloading press' maximum torque and the arm of the press is at the position to allow you to provide maximum pressure from your "Arnold Schwartzen" sized forearms, biceps, & back muscles. (not sure how the arnold info jumped off the keyboard!!)