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17HMR accuracy

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 8:58 am
by Sagebrush Burns
Got a brand new 17HMR (laminated w/24" target gray stainless bbl) and it is not as accurate as I hoped. Not real bad, but not real good either. Five shot groups at 100 yards are averaging about 1 1/8" to 1 1/4" and I'd like to be under 1". Been using Hornady and CCI V-max and CCI TNT ammo. I've played a bit with fore-end pressure on the barrel but no better. Thinking I'll experiment with floating the barrel and see what happens. Anyone got any thoughts, experiences or ideas? Many thanks...

Re: 17HMR accuracy

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:22 am
by Vartarg
Is it a Ruger? What about the trigger? How many rounds do you have through it? They're very susceptible to wind....could that be a factor? Based on my (limited) experience, under 1" is good with a rimfire like the 17HMR. It's just never going to measure up to handloaded centerfire accuracy. YMMV.

Re: 17HMR accuracy

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:02 am
by Hotshot
My buddy and I each got Savage 17HMR's last spring-what a neat little cartridge in a gopher patch. Both of these rifles are ammo specific. Mine shoots Federal at 3/4 to 1 1/8 consistantly, the other loves CCI at 5/8 to 7/8 over and over again. Neither rifle will shoot other ammo anywhere near this performance. Try some different ammo before doing a lot more work, you may find the sweet spot.

P.S. The gophers didn't know how well the groups were as pieces were flying. 1 1/4 groups will kill a lot of varmints out to 150 yards. We found the energy level passed 150 was pretty low. That brings out the 204's and 223's. Wish I had a vartarg!

Re: 17HMR accuracy

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:49 pm
by Glen
If' it's a Marlin the trigger is most likely the culprit. Try the 20gr ammo too. Make sure all screws are tight. Do you have a picture of your bench setup??

Re: 17HMR accuracy

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:54 pm
by Sagebrush Burns
It is a Ruger. Got over 200 rounds through it now and enough groups to have a reasonable data base. Had the trigger worked on and it breaks clean at just over 3# - don't think that's the issue... Yes it is VERY wind sensitive. I've quit taking to the range on windy days. Playing with sandpaper to float the barrel I noticed that the action can move a bit in the stock even when tightened down. Thinking I need to address that issue before going any farther...

Re: 17HMR accuracy

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 6:07 pm
by savage12fv
sagebrush burns

Your so very right on the wind sensitive issue my ballistic program shows that a 5mph 90 degree wind moves the 17grn bullet 1.7 inches at 100yds. 10 mph wind the same bullet moves 3.4inches that could very well be your problem. My suggestion and what I do to get sub moa groups is to take some surveyers tape the orange kind about an inch wide. Tie that to some tree limbs so you can see what the wind is really doing put one flag at about 20yds one about 50yds and if you get real picky one at 75yds. Watch the flags do not shoot unless the flags are doing the same thing. you can also make stakes if the are no tree limbs nearby take a dowl rod that you can get from wal-mart fo about 50cents and drill a hole the size of a metal shirt hanger in the top of the dowl take the metal shirt hanger cut it and straighten it out stick it in the hole of you dowl rod and tie the surveyers tape to the end of the metal shirt hanger sharpen the dowl on the bottom to a point and stick them in the ground. keep the tape short enough so it does not touch the ground. THE WIND WILL MOVE THE BULLET THE MOST AT THE MUZZEL SO WATCH THE FLAG CLOSEST THE MUZZEL VERY CARFULLY. I do this when I am shooting groups no matter what caliber it is the wind moves bullets even a 50cal 750grn bullet will move at 100yds. This last weekend I was shooting groups with my 17hmr at 100yds with 6 mph wind the watching the flags the 20 flag was move to the right very little the 50 and 70 yard flags would move left and right. I only shot when the flags moved to the right at the same level. My hmr would shoot .755 groups with remington 17grn. and .660 with federal 17grn. I shot some groups not watching the wind and they opend up to 1.5 and almost 2 inch groups.Put up some wind flags and watch close you will see a drastic improvement in goups.