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45 GAP - opinions?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:02 pm
by acloco
I am not SOLD on this cartridge or anything like that.

Friend has an XD Service model chambered in 45 GAP that he wants to partially trade for another firearm that I am.

My first inclination, buy an XD barrel and mags in 40 S & W and swap them into this one. But, why would I need TWO XD's in 40.

So, question is, has anybody owned/shot/etc a 45 GAP?

Re: 45 GAP - opinions?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:15 pm
by Hotshot
Did Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, or Hopalong Cassidy ask "Why do I need 2 six guns?"
For fighting the bad guys!

I had a 40, now I have 45 ACP. Wouldn't trade back. Try the GAP if you can buy it right, maybe you'll like it.

Re: 45 GAP - opinions?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 6:05 pm
by acloco
LOL! How true.

Like a NEED another caliber to load for.

Re: 45 GAP - opinions?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 9:10 am
by Rick in Oregon
acloco: Wifey asked me last year if I really needed four .45's. I said "no", if you want, my next 1911 could be chambered in something less effective such as 9mm, but then I'll need to buy dies, different brass, bullets, etc., and then run the risk of shooting a documented (in combat) ineffective caliber for defense.

Let's see....spend more money and get less. No thanks, the next one was purchased in .45 ACP just like the others. Personally, I see no need for the .45GAP, but then I've been using the 1911 .45ACP for over 40 years, so I'm probably not the one to ask. Was it not designed for folks with small hands that could not comfortably grip a full-size .45 auto pistol frame? Do you have small hands? If you do, it may be worth looking at, as it almost gives .45ACP performance in a slightly smaller package.

(As to the conversation mentioned last year with wifey: there was never any chance of any of my defensive pistols NOT being a .45!)

Re: 45 GAP - opinions?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:36 pm
by acloco
Thanks for the info/opinions.

Believe the GAP round is pretty much a dead player for any of the manufacturers.

Of interest, the lower frame is the EXACT lower as my 40 XD as well, so, no size advantage there for my large hands.

Still debating.....

Re: 45 GAP - opinions?

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:48 pm
by sniper model 12
When I go to the store, all I see is GAP ammo. At first I thought it might be a fresh shipment....but when I saw an empty shelf for the 45 ACP, my thinking changed.

One day I asked the fella behind the counter what he thought was the best in house, close quarter, defensive caliber that he would bet his family's life on. After a brief (2 second) thought he replied 45 ACP! He said the 9 and GAP didn't sell much for the defensive purpose, but the ACP and the 40 S&W sold like hot cakes!! That store had one handgun in GAP and 5 in 9mm. The majority were 45 ACP and 38 revolvers.

When I was looking for a second handgun, I thought about a 40....but I already had a 45 1911. To avoid the hassel of buying two different calibers, I opted for an XD Service 45 ACP. I haven't looked back.
That's my 2 cents.

Re: 45 GAP - opinions?

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 10:13 am
by Baja_Traveler
45 GAP - A solution looking for a problem. A worthless attempt by Glock to come up with a new round in my opinion, but then again I'm also a 45 ACP diehard - 3 1911's & a P220 - all fed the same diet.

Re: 45 GAP - opinions?

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 7:24 pm
by sniper model 12
I just got my boxes of +P ammo today and fired 5 rounds to see the feed. The advertisement is correct:

In dark, I saw no vision imparing flash.
Recoil was like that of a 22lr.

But, I only hit my target 2 of 5 rounds. Could've been me.

I love the variety available in 45ACP.

Re: 45 GAP - opinions?

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 5:58 pm
Now finding ammo for a 45GAP is not going to be easy in other places you go......You better be able to load your own with a GAP. I have always like the 45acp as a STOPPER ROUND, even if others contest those words and say the 45acp is not a stopper. I been shooting a model 1911 since the early 60's and I can tell you that is someone says it is NOT a STOPPER, just bring them over to my house ok. I have 3 vests for them to put on and then (after they sign the papers of responsibility) let me shoot 2 shots from 10 feet into their middle chest area, double tap fashion. If they in fact they are able to get up off the ground in 10 minuters time, I will buy the beer. However, after those two 230 grain bullets collied with their body I don't believe they will be wanting to advance on anything for the next several days.

If you really want something that is better than a .45acp, they look hard at the 10mm caliber. This round does "kick" more than the .45acp just so you know. It is however managable by most men who try hard to accomplish being able to shoot it accurately. It causes almost twice the tissue damage as a 45acp and is faster than a 9mm with 135 grain bullets. I use 180 grainers in my 10mm. I hope this gives you something to think about during your selection process. You can view the results of geletin blocks fired into by various calibers to compare with your own eyes, at, then go to 10mm Forum ok. Good Luck!~ :)