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Just got Married!!!.........3 Months ago!

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:37 pm
by dannybracy
Hey all! Long time, no talk. I have been super busy since the middle of June! I was forced to go to Mexico for a week n a half. Then we got back and moved all of her stuff in.....arranged the the house......then arranged it back the way it was the first time! Lots of fun. You know it is no good when your dog is sitting in the corner on the register vent soaking up the A/C and laughing at you. Oh well. Things are finally starting to settle down here. I have got my ''honey-do" list all caught up for awhile, so I thought I would say hi to all you and share a couple of pics.

Here is the new Mrs. Bracy and I at a friends reception here not too long ago. We don't have any of our wedding pics back this one will have to do.


And secondly, you know you have a keeper when this was my WEDDING PRESENT!!!! I have wanted one of these since before we met, and I guess she must have picked up on that. She snuck into my phone and got my FFL's number one nite while I was in the shower. She told him what I wanted and after awhile of searching, I was presented this the night before we got married!!! I love her!!, and I love my wife also for getting me it!! Ha ha


Anyhow, I just wanted to say HI to everyone again, man I have a lot of catching up to do!!!! Later guys. -Dan

Re: Just got Married!!!.........3 Months ago!

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:01 pm
by Rick in Oregon
You have a very beautiful bride, and the fact that she "understands" you is just icing on the proverbial cake. May you both have a long and prosporous life together. 'Welcome back.'

Nice pistol! ;)

Re: Just got Married!!!.........3 Months ago!

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:08 pm
by Hotshot
Congrats! I think you both did well.

Re: Just got Married!!!.........3 Months ago!

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:50 pm
by acloco
Congrats Danny B! LOL! YOU are caught up on the honey do list? Dude....she just gave you enough of the list to keep you are the short list. Go ahead...ask her for the entire list.........double dog dare ya!!


Re: Just got Married!!!.........3 Months ago!

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:51 pm
by Jim White
Congrats, a gift like that, she's definetly a keeper. Last Friday my wife and celebrated #29 together.

Godd luck to both you.


Re: Just got Married!!!.........3 Months ago!

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 4:35 am
by kenbrofox
Congratulations Danny.....Just can't figure why you would want to go shooting? Regards,Ken. :D

Re: Just got Married!!!.........3 Months ago!

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 5:04 am
by Ray P
Way to go and make it last!!
Great looking Mrs. B. You've got a real keeper!!
Thanks for sharing the good news and peace and love always be in your hearts.
Ray P :lol:
P.S. Nice gift........IT's a Ruger!!

Re: Just got Married!!!.........3 Months ago!

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:46 am
by dannybracy
Thanks everyone!!!! It was the most perfect wedding to the most perfect girl, with the most amazing honeymoon/vacation I have ever been on!!!! 9 nights in the Rivara Mia....simply spectacular!!!

I know that I am truly blessed! Words cant describe her. All I can say is that I am very lucky!!!

As far as the shooting goes....she knew from the get go that I am a GUN NUT!!!!! So I fell right into her family and her dad let me in on a little secret called Prairie Dog hunting. Invited me to go, and I was HOOKEDDDDDDDD!!!

She is just like my brother and can step right up and out shoot me every time with a new rifle/ handgun I get.... she has shot quite a few .5" five shot groups with my .204. Loves my Ar's and shooting my handguns. Since I got my CCP a couple years back and now she is getting into shooting pistols....she is even talking about taking her carry permit class. She isn't into those cute little girly guns either....she likes shootin a .45acp!!!

Anyhow, thanks again guys. I have missed all of you and all of your info!!! I am glad to be back!

Oh ya, and one last thing.......quit your laughing.....quit...... I am back to my "HONEY DO" List!!!!!!!

Re: Just got Married!!!.........3 Months ago!

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:57 pm
by sniper model 12
Does she have a sister?!!

Re: Just got Married!!!.........3 Months ago!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:22 am
by kenbrofox
sniper, you're a bit late with that question!! If she had a sister, she would be long gone by now. :lol:

Re: Just got Married!!!.........3 Months ago!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:24 am
by Song Dog
Danny, Congrats to you both and many happy years.

In Christ,

Song Dog

Re: Just got Married!!!.........3 Months ago!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:01 am
by giterdone
Congratulations Danny, ....Has she told you yet that "Whats hers is hers and whats yours is hers too? She's a keeper.

Re: Just got Married!!!.........3 Months ago!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:17 pm
by OldTurtle
Danny, I think you are still on your Honeymoon, as far as the "Honey Do List" is concerned.... :lol:

After about 5-10 years, you will find out that there is no end...

After seeing the picture, I started to ask if her mother were still around, but then I read where her dad shoots Prairie Dogs and I'd probably have more fun with him... 8)

I'd say you are a really lucky guy on a lot of fronts... :D...Congratulations !

Re: Just got Married!!!.........3 Months ago!

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 1:52 pm
by dannybracy
Thanks guys!! I would have to agree we are still in the honeymoon phase. Love it. We have recently found out how good of a buddy the o'l Crock Pot is!!!! LOL.

Sniper12.....yep she does...but you are about 3 weeks too late. Just got engaged to a Cali boy that i finally got to shoot his first gun a couple months back. That was an experience. He seemed to have fun, but hasn't asked to do it again so I dunno....

Kenbrofox....You hit the nail on the head buddy!!! Haha

Thanks for the words Song Dog and Giterdone! They mean a lot! I really appreciate all the kind words and prayers from family....that includes you guys! And it is funny you say that....she hasn't said it, but I think she came to the realization that what is mine is her's and what is hers is her's!!!! She smiles, i pout, then smile :D

Old Turtle....Yep her mom is very understanding of our addiction!!! But I think sometimes I test her when I come home with a new magazine or talking about some new gun then miraculously a new black Kimber case or Remmy .257ai box shows up at her house and we are fondling it. Then as Bryon is putting in into his safe he says that it was MY IDEA......hahaha. Funny stuff. But I also keep my mouth shut when she comes home with the Ethan Alan hutch and couch and I have to help her move them in before he gets home. I am no dumby!!!!

Thanks again guys for all the kind words!!! It means a bunch! -Dan

Re: Just got Married!!!.........3 Months ago!

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 8:05 am
by atavuss
congratulations, your bride is beautiful!
are you two either very tall or are those doors behind you in your first picture smaller than the standard size (or maybe it was a cabinet)?
nice Ruger .22 pistol too! my son wants one for his 21st birthday.