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Springfield XD

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 10:25 pm
by sniper model 12
Noone yet has said much about the XD. I'm currently looking at the "standard" size for CC. I currently have a Springfield 1911 Stainless Mil-Spec which not only kicks the butt of the would be bad guy, but also can be used to pound nails, prop up car jacks, throw at stray dogs, and when polished well, can be used as a mirror to shave the hair with.

If I get the XD I want to be sure that the "poly" frame will be longstanding to daily abuse in the holster as well as the coyote stand. I keep the Mil spec for the house (in the case I empty the clip and there are more bastards than ammo, then I can beat them with shiny thing) :club: :morons: :hammer: :stone: :banana:

Is the XD a reliable and consistant carry quality gun? So far all the reviews I have read says "yes" but I want to hear what my forum pals have to say. I trust your judgement.

The XD would be a .45 ACP so that I only have to buy one box of ammo that will work in two pistoleees.

Thank you,


Re: Springfield XD

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:15 pm
by dannybracy
I have heard good things about them. I don't own one, but my FFL does and he loves his. If you are worried about the reliability, then why don't you just get a GLOCK? -Dan

Re: Springfield XD

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 10:53 am
by Rick in Oregon
I'm not a fan of polymer framed handguns, never have been and never will; too much of a traditionalist I suppose. BUT, that said, from the industry rags I receive, the Springfield XD is at the top of the "best selling" list in every region of the entire country. Just because some older 1911 fans like me won't own one, it appears many other shooters are scooping them up for whatever reason.....maybe they shoot, or maybe because of the "Nobama Factor"...whatever....they are selling like hotcakes right now. Springfield appears to have gotten this one right.

The next best two sellers at present are the Kimber 1911's, and the very concealable S&W Model 642 .38+P Airweight hammerless snubbies (all this according the industry magazine Shot Business ((Shooting/Hunting/Outdoor/Trade)).

As far as relialability goes, you'd be hard pressed to find any autopistol from a major maker these days that was not reliable.

Re: Springfield XD

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:16 am
by sniper model 12
The things I liked about the XD was the weight for one, the balance for two, and .45 for three, and finally the price $570.

Another I had looked at was the Colt Defender with an extended mag so my pinkie doesn't hang off the grip. Again, .45 with little weight and $560.

I'd like to find a good 1911 style within the $500-550 range. A 3.5 lb trigger with 3 dot sights (night sites would be ideal).


I do appreciate your comments. I'm not much of a glock fan. . . .grew up with the 1911. My boy got to shoot the .45 stainless over the weekend and he loved it. Corse he is only 4 yrs old and any gun is cool! :D I did help him with the holding on the bench. Also taught him the major parts (required before he can shoot something). Momma bird was too happy with it all, but she'll get over it.

Re: Springfield XD

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:29 pm
by sniper model 12
Bought the new XD service today!! I am so excited! The only problem now is finding ammo. :cry: :cry: Noone has any #$$%$^ ammo for sale. . . .and some of the online stores are backorder on their most popular lines.

Thank you Obama, Pelosi, and those nimrods who think that knives, hammers, and ball bats are not weapons and cannot be concealed.

Now it is breakin time :D

Re: Springfield XD

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 9:36 am
by Jim White
I have a buddy who has one in 40 S&W and he likes it. For me, I have Glock's, a model 17 and a model 23. I've fired thousands of rounds through them and the only thing I've had to replace is magazine springs. Very reliable and not priced to bad and they're pretty accurate for right out of the box.

The down side to Glocks (IMO) when shooting 40 cal cases (40 S&W, 10mm and 357 Sig) is when using the factory barrel's is they leave a slight bulge because the chamber is unsupported. For this reason, I always toss the brass. Another downside is (well, I've heard) is because they have octagonal rifling, when shooting lead bullets they tend to foul easy.

If a XD has this type of rifling and you're shooting lead bullets be advised because this isn't a gun thing its a rifling thing.


Re: Springfield XD

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 4:06 am
by sniper model 12
Thank you Jim !

I do have some match .45 all lead target rounds that I OCCASIONALLY shoot through my 1911. I only shoot them once a year cause it loves to eat them, and the fouling from the lead rounds love to hang out in the barrel making cleaning a chore.

I'll only be shootin' ball ammo for plinking and Hydrashock for CCW. I'm not sure of the rifling on the XD. . . I'll look into that!

Re: Springfield XD

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:26 pm
by sniper model 12
Springfield tech told me today that there is no definitive poundage rating for the factory recoil springs on the XD. There are aftermarket spring systems available, but of course the use of such items was discouraged as the warranty may be violated.

Re: Springfield XD

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 2:07 pm
by WrzWaldo

Did you get an XD or XD-M? Either way I'd like to hear how the .45 shoots! I've recently acquired an XD-M in 9mm and love it (19+1)!


edit: Duhhhhhhh, nevermind the XD-M is not available in .45 yet... Still wanna hear how yours shoots!