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Barrel break-in for semi-auto?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:14 pm
by Va varminter
Is it the same as a rifle? I am going to go to the local gun show on Saterday. S&W sigma 9 or 40, Taurus PT24/7, or Ruger SR9. I don't know yet :chin: . Should I still shoot once,clean,shoot,clean? Or can I just shoot at a normal pace and clean it when I am done? I am thinking that since MOA is not important at 25yds.,that it is not as important.

Re: Barrel break-in for semi-auto?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 5:08 pm
by Captqc
I've always just gone out and shot a pistol, short length, big hole. :eek: I don't think it matters but maybe someone here knows for sure. Gary

Re: Barrel break-in for semi-auto?

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 6:32 am
by glenn asher
Buy it, clean it, shoot the livin' daylights out of it :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm way more of a handgun guy than a rifle guy, and that was always my philosophy, if I bothered to get philosophical about it. Of the pistols you noted, I like the Ruger better than the others, considerably so, as it fits the hand better.
I was working in an indoor shooting range when the Sigmas came out, while they fit the hand better than the Glocks do, the trigger was awful. I understand they've improved them somewhat, but the early ones did NOT inspire me. I don't much like Glocks, either (call me a 1911/CZ-75/Browning Hi-Power kinda guy).
If your budget will allow it, look at Springfield's XDs, they are VERY nice, and fit the hands better than those you mentioned.

Re: Barrel break-in for semi-auto?

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:39 am
by Rick in Oregon
FWIW, I agree completely with Glenn about his new pistol routine, and do the exact same thing. You're not generating over 50,000 psi of pressure in a long barrel at over 3,000 fps, so buy it, clean it, and go shoot it. Clean it when you get home, lube it properly, and it's ready for you when you need it.

By the way, I also agree with Glenn's choice of pistols...never warmed up to the 'Block' style of pistol when the 1911 style works so splendidly well, and has for almost 100 years now. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" comes to mind...... ;)

This the maiden outing for my then-new Kimber Ultra Carry CDP-II .45acp last year.....150 rounds without a bobble that day.


Enjoy your new gun! :D (Let us know how she shoots too!)

Re: Barrel break-in for semi-auto?

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 3:08 pm
by OldTurtle
Having shot pistol competitions for years, I agree with the previous comments... Clean it , Shoot it, Clean it...

While I genuinely love S&W revolvers, I've never felt comfortable with their semi-auto pistols, and especially the Sigma.... Too many horror stories in the past...As well as a drop in their quality control back in the '80s when I was on active duty. I wouldn't bet my life on one and that's my basic criteria for any weapon.

When I was shooting a lot of Glock GSSF matches (9 per year), I had several Glocks and they have their strong and weak points. I still own four..

While they may cost a little more than some you mentioned, if you are not prone to the 1911 platform, which is excellent, take a look at the Walther P-99 series... They're available in 9mm and .40 s&w, reasonably light weight, double/single action with a decocker, and very concealable with a quality inside waist band holster. They also have a grip backstrap that comes in three changeable sizes for personal preference. I have one in the .40 s&w and have never had a hiccup with it.

Para Ordnance also produces some excellent handguns in a variety of calibers and sizes..

Re: Barrel break-in for semi-auto?

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 5:42 pm
by Va varminter
Well I did in fact purchase a S&W sigma 40s&w on Monday. I know I could have done better. But for what I paid for I am quite happy. I didn't get it for c&c or anything like that. I really just got it to go shoot it. If it turns out I really like shooting pistols a lot, then I may get an up-grade later on. Or if it tuns out that I still have more fun shooting sub 1MOA with my Encore, then I am only out $270($320 - $50 rebate).

Re: Barrel break-in for semi-auto?

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 6:21 pm
by Rick in Oregon
VA Varm: Congrats on your new piece. There's nothing like a new gun to make us happy.

But remember, having rifles AND pistols is what it's all about! A guy just can't have too many guns! ;)

Re: Barrel break-in for semi-auto?

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:30 pm
by LeeC
While we've got a few military types, and other pistol shooters, I have to say I love my 1911. I bought a new Springfield GI a couple of years ago, $450 out the door. Went to the club and it shot 7 o'clock off the target. Took it to Springfield just before lunch, about 30 miles away, picked it up after lunch with a test target that showed it now shot 1.39" at 50 yds. 'Course I couldn't leave it alone so I hit the Brownells catalog, re-sprung it, new match trigger, stoned the trigger race, shock-buffered, and generally smoothed the innards. I mold the bullets and shoot the bejesus out of it. Clean, shoot, clean and shoot, shoot, shoot. I feel that cheap GI has turned out just as good a rod as any custom $1500-guaranteed to shoot 1.5" pistol. But then, only someone used to the military small sights can appreciate the almost natural pointing of a 1911.