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Will 50mm obj fit on my CZ 527 Varmint?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 5:40 am
by 2002silverex
I just found a GREAT deal on a Leupold VX-3 6.5-20x50. Brand new in box for $400. Im happy with my weaver v24 on my cz, but this scope I just cant pass up.

I know there is talk of certain scopes not fitting on the cz527. Does anyone know if this scope will work on my gun before I buy it? I might buy it anyways for the price, but ill def buy if I know itll fit on my cz.

The v24 weaver I have now is 42mm and fits fine?

Thanks in advance


Re: Will 50mm obj fit on my CZ 527 Varmint?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 8:14 am
by Rick in Oregon
Tyler, scope fit to a given rifle is a function of ring height. I don't have your combination, but I'm fairly certain that a set of High rings will clear that 50mm objective, possibly even a set of Mediums, depending on brand.

I much prefer the 40mm objective size for LR varmint scopes, as it allows very low mounting over the bore (minimizes any canting effects), getting your line of sight more in line with the bore, enables a much better cheek weld, and most agree that it just looks better, but that's purly subjective.

Here's an example of a Lupy 30mm tube LR scope with 40mm objective mounted on one of my Cooper Varmints, this one my M38 VR in .20VT, mounted in LOW rings:


Unless you hunt and shoot most of the time in extreme low light, there's no reason whatever to saddle yourself with the large 50mm objective that requires mounting very high above the bore/action. Truth be known, friends at a major scope manufacturer here tell me that the 50mm+ objective size is purly a marketing ploy. Some guys "just gotta have the biggest.......", or "it makes your rifle shoot farther" sort of attitude, but it seems to sell large objective bell scopes in the process. They just make your scope more prone to inadvertant bumps also, by virtue of excessive bulk. Add a set of High rings to clear the 50mm bell, and the bulk is further increased.

The other thing to consider is bolt clearence to the ocular bell, but that issue is easily remedied by Brad at CRT with his excellent stainless steel CZ replacement bolt handle. Just some things to ponder prior to laying down your cash. :chin:

But......that IS an excellent price on that Lupy! :eek:

Re: Will 50mm obj fit on my CZ 527 Varmint?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:30 am
by 2002silverex
I've read numerous articles that have stated your eye cannot absorb more than the 42mm offers anyhow. I normally wouldnt even consider a 50mm, its just that I found a brand new in box leupy 6.5-20x50 vx-3 for $400. It was to good of a deal to pass up. Also found a Nikon Monarch BRAND new 6-24x50 with side focus for $450. Leupy is a better buy, but the monarch has side focus (I kind of like that idea).

But... im also very happy with my Weaver 6-24x42. Its a great scope for the money

Re: Will 50mm obj fit on my CZ 527 Varmint?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 6:45 pm
by wirelessguy2005
on a CZ 527 you will need a high set of rings if you are mounting a 30mm scope with a 50mm objective. If you can drop down to a 42mm objective you will be able to utilize a medium ring as shown by the picture of one of my CZ rifles on the homepage of our website. A 40 -42 mm scope is really better suited to the CZ 527 rifles. We stock the Leupold 30 mm rings and the Stainless steel replacement CZ bolt handles if you are in need of them. :D
Also if you are in the market for a scope we carry two brands that are excellent. Personally i would put both of them up against products that cost twice as much. Feel free to PM, email, or call us if you have any questions.


Re: Will 50mm obj fit on my CZ 527 Varmint?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:36 pm
by Jim White
The objective should clear, mine does. The issue may be is will the bolt handle clear the eye piece. It's awfully tight on some of them.