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Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 4:00 pm
by Pmoper
I have a confession to make......I Love the .204 Ruger cartridge....I think it is the best one to come along in a very long time....Now the sad part...Some may remember a few years back...there was a special (might have been 60 minutes) where it showed a worker in Ruger's factory that was fired for taking a quarter off another workers desk for the cup of coffee he was going to get...This was not a shirker or a borderling employee but a seasoned one with no history of problems....Well, to this day I will NOT buy a Ruger Firearm because of this. I visit this site and felt a bit guilty so I thought I would throw it out there. Still like the site and all the information shared in experiences with the .204 .......any other input....? .... Paul

Re: Confession

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 4:32 pm
by K22
I see your point and I even understand it. If you are saying you will not own a 204R in any make because Ruger developed the cartridge, just remember that Hornady had a huge part in its development also. Maybe you can just shoot Hornady's 204's. :chin:

There is not a lot of integrity or accountability in the world anymore. The good news is, I think that'll change this year. :D

Re: Confession

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:06 pm
by Pmoper
its not the cartridge its Ruger Firearms........I will shoot it in any make other than Ruger......just their rifles....sounds weird...but one has to have values and standards

Re: Confession

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:46 pm
by terrace
so its OK to steal but not OK to be fired for it ?

Re: Confession

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 3:49 am
by trappinjohn
Pmoper wrote:its not the cartridge its Ruger Firearms........I will shoot it in any make other than Ruger......just their rifles....sounds weird...but one has to have values and standards
Yep, values and standards. All I know about this is what you posted, but stealing is stealing. Good reason to buy a Ruger in my opinion, sounds like they have standards. If he got away with the quarter today, what would he steal tomorrow? Like I said, maybe there is more to the story...

Re: Confession

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 4:54 am
by Glen
Todd Kindler got the whole 204R offering going a long time ago with his .223 brass necked down to .204. It is the Tac20. Now I'm not knocking Ruger or Hornady here at all. I'm just giving credit where it's due in this thread. Hornady & Ruger neither one even offered Todd a penny for his thoughts. Now we have the 17 Fireball & the 17 Hornady Hornet. Were the original creators of those rounds consulted either?? I doubt it BUT I don't know. I'm all for legitmizing wildcats but I also feel the creators of them should benefit somehow for popularizing them to the point of legitimization. So where are the ethics in this thread? I don't know. I do think Ruger firing that employee it was the right thing to do. Especially if that particular employees past history was taken into consideration. Which of course we don't know that either. BUT then again look at what the company has done to others as well. At this rate we would all build our own rifles if business ethics were that important to us.

Re: Confession

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:14 am
by Bill K
If Ruger fired a employee. I would bet money it was for more than just picking up a quarter, off someone else's desk, for a cup of coffee. I would like to know the full story and the whole truth to the matter, before I started boycotting a company and/or putting them down. I would just bet the employee had a lot more going on than just a $.25 cent piece. Just a thought. Bill K :?:

Re: Confession

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:04 am
by Mike
Bill K wrote:If Ruger fired a employee. I would bet money it was for more than just picking up a quarter, off someone else's desk, for a cup of coffee. I would like to know the full story and the whole truth to the matter, before I started boycotting a company and/or putting them down. I would just bet the employee had a lot more going on than just a $.25 cent piece. Just a thought. Bill K :?:
Now Bill, when have you ever known the media to slant a story? :duh:

Re: Confession

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:22 am
by Bill K
Mike, I forgot about that and yes they never do such. Especially when it comes to a topic i.e. Obama :eek: Bill K :lol:

Re: Confession

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:48 am
by Mike
Unbiased journalism at its finest. Yes sir.

:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

Re: Confession

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 3:39 pm
by RowdyYates
Pmoper, thanks for the heads-up; things like that stick in my craw, too and I'll check into it. I don't buy Ruger rifles anyway because of debacles like their 2-piece bolts and Mini-14's, etc.
After 45 years working on both sides of labor and management, union and non-union, public and private, I am absolutely sure the rights and the future of the American worker is in greater jeopardy than ever before...

Re: Confession

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:44 am
by Wrangler John
Pmoper wrote:I have a confession to make......I Love the .204 Ruger cartridge....I think it is the best one to come along in a very long time....Now the sad part...Some may remember a few years back...there was a special (might have been 60 minutes) where it showed a worker in Ruger's factory that was fired for taking a quarter off another workers desk for the cup of coffee he was going to get...This was not a shirker or a borderling employee but a seasoned one with no history of problems....Well, to this day I will NOT buy a Ruger Firearm because of this. I visit this site and felt a bit guilty so I thought I would throw it out there. Still like the site and all the information shared in experiences with the .204 .......any other input....? .... Paul
Time to reassess your position. One of the worse personnel problems is the employee with sticky fingers. Especially those who go through other employee's personal things looking for booty. The ones who secretly snoop through desks and workstations, and even visit the lunch room refrigerator to steal tasty items. I was a victim of these scurrilous types on many occasions, loosing a sandwich from a bag lunch in some cases, or even an entire case of microwave popcorn. I had to lock my inner office to prevent thefts. One employee was so dependable in lifting lunches, that the staff who found him eating their stuff would go to the nearby store and order a deli sandwich and charge it to his tab. He eventually lost his credit privilege at the store before he was forced to retire. These folks can't be trusted around cash registers. They also seem to have a compulsion to steal toilet paper rolls, paper towels and light bulbs, coffee packets, just about anything. They are fired immediately.

My suggestion would be to judge Ruger on their products alone.

Re: Confession

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:48 pm
by huntsman22
Some azzhat robbed my bank once. I think maybe I should go all 'ban' on 'em for letting it happen......

Re: Confession

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:56 pm
by evansvlp
Bill K wrote:If Ruger fired a employee. I would bet money it was for more than just picking up a quarter, off someone else's desk, for a cup of coffee. I would like to know the full story and the whole truth to the matter, before I started boycotting a company and/or putting them down. I would just bet the employee had a lot more going on than just a $.25 cent piece. Just a thought. Bill K :?:

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