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Super Bowl Counter-Snipers

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:16 am
by Rick in Oregon
Keeping us all safe at the Super Bowl, was some fellows from certain Federal LE agencies with some very trick equipment "up high". Here's a few shots of them at the game last week:


Great birds-eye view, eh? Do you think he's got his angle cosine down for that steep downward angle? ;)


This bring a new definition to the term "fixed positon varmint shooting"....


No biggie, just thought you guys would enjoy seeing just how safe the players and fans were, with their guardian angels "up high" with some very cool kit. :D

Re: Super Bowl Counter-Snipers

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 11:25 am
Had no idea they had any security like that, pretty cool though. Would not be a bad idea at some of those soccer games we read about! Pictures from your son, Rick?

Re: Super Bowl Counter-Snipers

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 8:41 pm
by steve
Looks like the best seat in the house! :D :D :D

Re: Super Bowl Counter-Snipers

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:24 pm
by Jim White
RAMOS wrote:Had no idea they had any security like that, pretty cool though. Would not be a bad idea at some of those soccer games we read about! Pictures from your son, Rick?

Doesn't surprise me a bit. The Super Bowl is one of those events that is a prime target.


Re: Super Bowl Counter-Snipers

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:26 pm
by Pmoper
Would think those binoculars would be better for spotting and scanning than that rifle scope....imagine the excrement in contact with the oscillating blades (shot hitting the fan) if he had an AD and killed someone.... I would have thought a trained marksman (sniper) would know better....its one thing looking at a target, but on a watch...?? Just my 2 cents.....

Re: Super Bowl Counter-Snipers

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 6:07 am
by K22
Kind of disturbing to me. :chin:

Re: Super Bowl Counter-Snipers

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 8:08 am
by ryutzy
Well i think it's great and if somebody went nutz in there we'd all be glad for the snipers. It's a high profile event and I think it was a good call to have some security like that hidden away.

Re: Super Bowl Counter-Snipers

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:05 pm
by Mike
Pmoper wrote:Would think those binoculars would be better for spotting and scanning than that rifle scope....imagine the excrement in contact with the oscillating blades (shot hitting the fan) if he had an AD and killed someone.... I would have thought a trained marksman (sniper) would know better....its one thing looking at a target, but on a watch...?? Just my 2 cents.....
The pictures were either taken before or after the game. The stadium is relatively empty and it looks more (to me) like the guy is posing for a picture than actually scanning for hostile threats. I don't know how scanning is done during the actual game, though.