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22 K-Hornet & 30gr Varmint Grenades (Field Pics)

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:57 am
by Rick in Oregon
Two of my favorite shorter range calibers for sage rats and prairie dogs are the 17 Akley Hornet and the 22 K-Hornet. Small, very efficient rounds that are tailored perfectly to PD or squirrel shooting out to 400 yards (for the 17AH). The little K-Hornet is good out to around 275 yds on a regular basis for PD's and ground squirrels, for which it is perfectly suited. It's also cheaper to reload for than shooting my 17HMR's....starting to be a big deal in these times.

Here's a comparison of the 204 Ruger (32gr Nosler BT seated to 2.260") alongside (R-L) 22 K-Hornet w/Nosler 45gr Hornet Solid Base, standard Hornet case loaded with Barnes 30gr Varmint grenade ready for fireforming in the improved chamber:


One of my Hornets is a Browning Model 1885 Low Wall, chambered for the 22 K-Hornet. Poly tipped bullets are saved for my larger calibers, but this little girl loves the old Nosler 45gr Solid Base Hornet bullet over AA1680.

Barnes Bullets recently send me a quantity of their new 30 grain .224" Varmint Grenade for testing. This bullet is ideally suited to the slower 16 twist of traditional Hornets, and performs well in my Low Wall. I loaded up some fireform loads with Lil Gun and the new 30gr Varmint Grenade for testing in preparation of our ground squirrel season about to kick off. Here's some range results for those interested.

The rifle, Browning Model 1885 Low Wall in 22 K-Hornet (Browning reproduction of the Winchester 1885):


Flip side:


My regular rat load printed this nice three-shot cluster:


Same scope sight setting produced this fireform group with the new 30gr VG's (The flyer was caused by the nut behind the trigger and the wind....3140 fps....good rat medicine for a fireform load):


My regular 45gr load of 2,900 fps will be upstaged by the new 30gr load by a few hundred fps. Even the fireform load is clocking over 3,100 fps, so in fireformed cases, velocity should be impressive from the dinky Hornet case. Skippy is really going to hate this rifle (again).

A close shot of the little receiver and scope (Leupold 3-9X Compact w/AO, target elevation & tapered crosshairs w/1 MOA dot).


This rifle is a pure joy to carry in the field all day, and is accurate enough for rats out to almost the 300 yard mark. I thought I'd share with the other Hornet lovers on the forum just for fun while we're waiting for spring to spring. ;)

Re: 22 K-Hornet & Barnes 30gr Varmint Grenades

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 12:35 pm
by giterdone
Nice write up Rick. It looks like a 28" factory barrel to me. BTW have you done anything to improve the trigger pull on the Browning 1885 low-wall repro? I have owned several Highwalls, Browning and Winchester long tang both, and the triggers always needed to be worked on. My BPCR friend "Lee Shaver Gunsmithing" (in Lamar Missouri) 417-682-3330 has done quite a few trigger jobs on 1885's. Who did the rechambering for you?

Re: 22 K-Hornet & Barnes 30gr Varmint Grenades

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 5:22 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Thanks git. :D My local smith here did a trigger job when I had him rechamber the rifle to K. It now releases right at 1.5 lbs., about perfect for a walking rifle. I'll be taking her along with me soon as my truck gun and walkabout rifle during an extended rat shoot.

There's just something about nice, trim high wall or low wall actions, either the originals or the Browning repo's. Wish I still had my old higwall .219 zipper. :?

Re: 22 K-Hornet & Barnes 30gr Varmint Grenades

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:02 am
by Guy M
Dang Rick, you sure have some nice varmint rifles. That one is a beauty!

Grandpa had a Winchester single shot similar to that, in .219 Zipper. It went to my Uncle, and I understand one of my cousins has the rifle now. Hope he's taking care of it!

Regards, Guy

Re: 22 K-Hornet & Barnes 30gr Varmint Grenades

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:21 am
by Rick in Oregon
Thanks Guy. That one will get her barrel warmed up on Skippy very soon. Need to fireform about 100 cases, and might as well do it on rats, right? ;)

Just for fun, here's a comparison of the two .22 caliber Hornets (Improved & Standard) alongside the .17 Ackley Hornet (20gr V-Max - 3,860 fps)


Next time I go out, I'm taking all three of my single shot falling block rifles, leaving all my bolt actions at home for the shoot. 22 K-Hornet you see above, 17 Ackley Hornet on a Ruger No.3 action, and my Ruger No.1V in .223. I'll call it my "Single Shot Fest" :D .

As usual, I'm sure Skippy won't be impressed one bit. :lol:

By the way, I hope your uncle is taking good care of that Zipper. Maybe you need to call him to see if it still holds favor with him......... :chin: (I'm sure it would look better in your safe!)

Re: 22 K-Hornet & Barnes 30gr Varmint Grenades

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:42 pm
by Guy M
I'm about half afraid it went to my cousin who's been married a few times... He hasn't managed to hang onto much of anything except one motorcycle and a big ol' mud-bogging Bronco...

Re: 22 K-Hornet & 30gr Varmint Grenades (Field Pics)

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 11:05 am
by Rick in Oregon
I know most here are 204 fans (imagine that!), but for those Hornet fans here also, I thought I'd post results from a day in the rat patch yesterday using those 30gr Varmint Grenades in my 22 K-Hornet.

Even though these were fireform loads, the little rifle shot exactly like a 222 Rem out to 250 yards. I was both pleased and amazed at this kind of performance from a Hornet. It was blowing, snowing, hail sometimes.....that kind of day. A buddy and I took down our benches, put away our 204's and 223's, and drove around the ranch shooting rats out the window over bags.


I'm the old grey fa_t with the Browing single shot Hornet....getten' grayer every day it seems. :? (It blends well with the camo though.)

Terminal performance on Skippy from such a light .224" 30 grain bullet was not bad, even past 225 yards, about where this rat was shot:


No where near the wind deflection I had anticipated either.....nice. The wind really started blowing so we headed back to town, but this shows how much fun I had on an early "spring" weekday in four hours.


I'm betting I'm not the only one that's REALLY wanting spring to spring and green-up!

Re: 22 K-Hornet & 30gr Varmint Grenades (Field Pics)

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:46 pm
by Captqc
Hold the phone Rick! You are going to leave Rosa home????? :huh: :duh: :eek: This I gotta see! :lol: Gary

Re: 22 K-Hornet & 30gr Varmint Grenades (Field Pics)

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 7:59 am
by Rick in Oregon
No, no, no mon ami, there is NO way Rose is staying home! :eek: Ms. Cooper has been waiting for the season to start with great anticipation. Yesterday was just to season her barrel.

The "single shot fest" mentioned was on the trip I just returned from. Turns out with the weather being so "iffy", I left the other two home and only took one plus Rosa. Not really a "fest", more of a "single shot snack" (a snack for the eagles that feasted on the dead rats). ;)

To further show the 30gr VG performance from a dinky case like the Hornet, check out this rat that was smacked with one from 240 yards. Not bad performance from 13.0grs of powder me thinks..... :chin: These are very explosive bullets.


I'm thinking spring has sprung.....time for varmints! :D

Re: 22 K-Hornet & 30gr Varmint Grenades (Field Pics)

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:01 am
by Guy M
Rick, you're right - very impressive for such a small cartridge! Cool

Re: 22 K-Hornet & 30gr Varmint Grenades (Field Pics)

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:02 am
by Guy M
Inclement weather varmint shooting - from the truck! Good solution. I like it.

Re: 22 K-Hornet & 30gr Varmint Grenades (Field Pics)

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 8:37 am
by Rick in Oregon
Guy M wrote:Inclement weather varmint shooting - from the truck! Good solution. I like it.
If given a choice between tearing down the benches and putting the rifles away and driving home, "drive-by" varmint shooting will be my choice virutally every time!

(Legal in Oregon on private land, thank goodness. :D )