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M77 Ruger Trigger Adjustment
Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 8:02 am
by Ryan S Albright
I picked up an old M77 Ruger in .270 winchester I've glass bedded it and floated the barrel and have managed to get good groups with 100gr, 110gr Barnes and Vmax's, 130gr Sierra's , but the trigger is very stiff I've been told that these triggers are adjustable does any body no how too or where to get info on trigger adjustment for the old M77.
Re: M77 Ruger Trigger Adjustment
Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:56 am
by futuretrades
i have an older 77 with the tang safety in 270 also. as far as i know, there is no adjustment on the factory trigger. most ruger factory triggers really suck. check with rifle basix on the net. i believe they have an adjustable trigger for the older 77. i put one of their triggers in a newer 77 and it worked really nice.
Re: M77 Ruger Trigger Adjustment
Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 5:52 pm
by Ryan S Albright
I've read the evaluations on Midway for the after market triggers apparently Ruger made a change in there triggers on the M77's sometime in the past. Most people complained about the safety on them. The new Mk II Rugers are easy to install the Timmey triggers on. I missed a deal on Midway they had the old trigger set up for $33 dollars one of there specials. I also seen where a lot of guys changed out the firing pin and spring.
Re: M77 Ruger Trigger Adjustment
Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 2:10 am
by tuck2
If your old Ruger rifle has a tang safety ,look for the adjustment trigger pull screw in front of the trigger. Turning the screw out a few turns will reduce the trigger pull.
Re: M77 Ruger Trigger Adjustment
Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 9:28 pm
by Silverfox
Ryan--I have had several M77 Rugers with the tang safety. I have adjusted turned out a screw on the front of the trigger and it "seemed" like the trigger pull got a wee bit lighter, but NOT enough to suit me. I have a Word document with some instructions on where and how to hone parts of the trigger mechanism to lighten up the pull. I was never comfortable with doing this procedure because it appeared to be something you'd want a gunsmith to do for you. A better route might be to install and after-market trigger.
If you are interested in receiving a copy of this Word document I have, PM me with your e-mail address and I'll attach the document to an e-mail. I have the document in Word 2003 format and in RTF format, so let me know if you are interested and what format you want.
I don't check in here very often, so it may be a little while before I get back on here and see any PM you might send to me.
Re: M77 Ruger Trigger Adjustment
Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 7:23 pm
by Hotshot
Cut one coil off the spring then mash that spring together with a big set of pliers. That takes a little of the tuff out of it. Turn the adjustment out(counter clockwise) untill you get about 2 1/2 lbs. Always check by droppingcocked rifle(unloaded of course) about 6 inches butt stock to the floor, and slam bolt home as hard as you can several times to make sure it won't slam fire. If you go too far the spring can be stretched back out to give a little more tension. I've done many like this with good results, about 2 1/2 is the best you can hope for but sometimes a little less is possible. By all means be carefull. If in doubt check with a gunsmith.
Re: M77 Ruger Trigger Adjustment
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 12:07 pm
by Nodak7mm
+1 on the replacement trigger routes. I have stoned triggers in the past and I have bought after markets, both Timeny and Rifle Basix. Far happier with the replacement trigger due to the fact I can replace them in 5 minutes and am very happy with the settings, wt & travel vs farting around removing/installing & adjusting factory POS.
Here is a link to replacing the sear in the M77 that includes info your looking for.
Re: M77 Ruger Trigger Adjustment
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:44 pm
by Ryan S Albright
well I ordered a Timney trigger for the M77 I am still waiting so while waiting I took the the spring out of the trigger and cut one coil squashed it down with pliers and re installed it and backed of the adjustment. Not bad I think I will but the new Timney on my 243 with the Heavy barrel and leave the 270 the way it is for now. Thanks for all the info guys it has helped a lot. I was always intimidated about touching a trigger but the mystery is going away.