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Calling all 22 Hornet owners

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 12:22 pm
by sniper2o4
OK, to make a long, hard to explain story short, I'm just gonna say that I'm getting a 22 Hornet for a walking rifle and am needin some advice from those who have one.

1. How often do you clean it for peak accuracy?

2. What's a good zero range?

3. Any scope suggestions (within $150).

4. Which barrel length achieves best accuracy, 20'' or 22''.

Thanks in advance!

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 6:46 pm
by Rick in Oregon
sniper204: All of my Hornets (three of 'em) are not standard Hornets any more, two are 22 K-Hornets, the other is a 17 Ackley Hornet, but they are all still based on the Hornet case. That said, here's what works for mine:

Clean: I clean them after 50 rounds, either with coated or naked bullets.

Zero Range: Depends on what you'll use them for. All mine have target turrets on Leupold Vari-X-II scopes, so I always dial elevation. But if I had no turrets, I'd set my elevation dial for 1.5" high at 100 yards. That should give you a PBR of about 225 yards (Point Blank Range).

Barrel Length: Accuracy does not depend on barrel length, only velocity. I'd go with the 22" myself to get the most out of the little case, and still have a handy walking rifle.

You did not ask, but if you reload for your Hornet, give AA-1680 a try, as I use it in all three of mine with excellent results, along with Remington No. 6-1/2 primers. Standard Small Rifle primers are too hot for the little case. If you "K" yours, you'll gain about 150 to 200 fps extra velocity, and almost eliminate case stretching of the cases, a common problem with the standard Hornet.

Here's the standard Hornet case next to the fully fireformed 17 Ackley Hornet. You can see the increased case capacity, and a more 'modern' looking shoulder from the old 1930's original shape. The 22 K-Hornet is very similar. Cost for the rechambering is very low also, and well worth the effort for any Hornet.


I'll not address the scope question, as you already know to buy the best optics you can afford. Two of mine wear Leupold 3-9X Compact scopes, the 17AH wears a Lupy 6-18X. Buy quality and never look back.

Let us know how yours works out. :D

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 2:19 pm
by Gmoney

What specific velocity gains did you experience going to the K-Hornet?

I know you mention gaining 150-200 fps, which is substantial, but you went from ? to ? with ? grain bullet...

Thanks for the info as you peaked my interest...


Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 4:42 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Greg: Can't be too specific right at this moment, not near my "Man's Room", but will say that the gain in both K-Hornets was right at 200 fps.

Bullet for both is the Nosler 45gr Hornet Solid Base (bought a few thousand when I found out Nosler intended to discontinue them...), Rem 6-1/2 primer, and all loads fueled with AA-1680 in R-P brass.

If memory serves at present (uh-oh...), I think the velocity in both 22" barrels was right at 2900 fps. If a guy went to 40's, V-Max or BT's, the speed would be well over 3000 fps, but both these rifles seem to really like the old 45gr Hornet bullet, so that's what I feed them.

Hope this helps satisfy the curiosity until I can give you more specific info.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 6:09 pm
by Gmoney
Thanks Rick...

It'll do for now....grin..

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 7:05 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Okay Greg, here you go:

Using the 45gr Nosler Hornet bullet over 13.5gr of AA-1680, Rem 6-1/2, seated .003" off the lands, my Browning Low Wall (16 twist) is running 2900fps. My Kimber M82 with a Shilen SS barrel (14 twist) runs at 2855fps, seated the same off the lands.

The Kimber has shot 3 shot groups as small as .190", but of course will not do that on a regular basis. It's agg is more like an honest .6". The Low Wall having it's factory barrel, runs about .7" if the Gods smile. Both rifles have terminated squirrels past 250yds, making them keepers in my book.

Previously to "K-ing", velocities with both rifles were the more sedate, typical Hornet speeds. With the Sierra 40gr Hornet bullet, a gain of another 75 - 100fps can be realized.

Both rifles wear Lupy 3-9X Compacts with AO, so with better magnification, they do better on paper, but they're both so neat and trim, I doubt I dink around with their scopes, as I've got other rifles for more serious business.

Here's the Kimber in the field doing what she does best:


Do I sense a "K" rechamber in your future? 8)

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 7:57 pm
by Gmoney
The last thing I need is another want right now Rick...
The rifle/optic bug has already bit and I think it might be having a relapse to the chagrin of my bank account.... :oops:

A 45 grain .224 bullet at 3K with 13 grains of powder is kinda attractive...

The little Hornet has always attracted me, first and foremost because of the lack of fur damage...

Perfect for fox and cats around my parts but in all honesty, I want a little more oompph for a dog even though it will easily do the job....

I'm stuck on the small bores bad...

I've 9 guns and none are bigger than my .260 Remington....grin..

Okay, I gotta quit...

If I keep talking about punching K-Hornet, well....


Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 7:12 am
by Rick in Oregon
Greg: Just submit to the siren call of the're getting sleepy, .....your eyelids are becoming need a need a Hornet......

Just think of all the powder you'd save in that little Hornet case, while having all that fun at the same time...... :wink:

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 7:13 am
by Gmoney
I'm holdiung my ears, errrr, eyes Rick... :wink:

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:27 pm
by sniper2o4
Thanks for all the info Rick, you never seem to fail me! :D I don't reload yet, but may use that info in the future. About the optics issue, I'm sort of on a budget right now. This is gonna be this winter's project so I'm thinkin, with a little saving, maybe a Bushnell 3200 in the low-to-mid power range? Tell me what ya think.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 6:09 am
by Rick in Oregon
sniper204: A Bushnell 3200 Elite in the mid-power range would make an excellent scope for your planned Hornet. Good choice, and it should serve you and the rifles capabilities well.

If your Hornet stays a 'standard' Hornet, it is still good for 200 yard varmints with good shot placement, maybe a bit beyond in good conditions. Folks who say it's only good for 150 yards probably have never shot one. Remember if you "K" it, is will be good for a bit more range, and still offer all the atributes of the little Hornet case.

Good things do come in small packages. ;)

Re: Calling all 22 Hornet owners

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 7:47 pm
by cshooter
I have a Ruger 77/22 Hornet. And I use it as my main walking hunting rifle. I have shot coyotes, coons,skunks and the list goes on and on. I've had it for 6 -7 years now and it is my favorite rifle. No recoil, no noise to bother the neigbors or your eardrums, hits hard within 100yrds, easy on my wallet if I reload, and accurate to 1/2' at 100 yrds. I've killed coyotes out to 160 yrd with it. It's very light,a quick to the shoulder and line of sight gun. I very seldom miss with the little thing and it's the handiest rifle I own. I can't say enough about the cartridge or the gun.They match perfectly as far as I'm concerned. You can stuff 50 rounds in your pocket and just go out and have fun. I have two sweet loads for it, a 40gr v-max & 11.3 gr IMR 4227 and 45 gr Nosler RN & old Winchester 680 seated just long enough to fit the detactable magazine. The 680 is'nt avalible now, but AA 1680 is close, just not as fast. If you reload, an accuracy tip is to use small pistol primers instead of small rifle. I don't think you would be disapointed with a Hornet. The little round does'nt get enough credit. :D The modle I have came with a 20 inch barrel and open sights, but it's so accurate that I put a Bushnell 3x9x40 Elite scope on it. And it came with the mounts. If you want a handly rifle, you may not want the target grey modle, it has a heavy 24 inch barrel, I think. But for the useful range of the Hornet, 150 - 200 yrds, you don't need a target barrel. I have lots of info on the Hornet if you would like to look up some articles.

Re: Calling all 22 Hornet owners

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 7:53 pm
by cshooter
P.S. The little Hornet is'nt an intense enough cartride to foul or burn out a barrel. I only clean my Hornet every 200 rounds or so. And copper fouling is almost nothing. At 10 to 12 gr of powder, a pound of powder goes a long ways.

Re: Calling all 22 Hornet owners

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:55 am
by Varmonter
OK My 2 cents.
I have a ruger 77/22hornet .I have always been fond of it. It shoots great and is an effective
short range varminter. I have shot fox coyote and various nuisance critters around my house
and all(well most) have been bangflops.My fav load is 12.5 gr of hodgens lil gun under a 37 gr calhoon dbbl hp slick silver.(my most accurate) fps is around 2850 not the fastest but the most accurate in my gun. i sight mine in at 30 yrds or so because most of my nuisance critters here are found around that range but at 30 yrds according to my ballistics pgrm .It is also dead on at 170 comparison my 204 load dead on at 30 yrds is also dead on at 275. :eew:
The Hornet is a neat little round.
Definitely get a hornet .You can't go wrong.