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The old dog guarding the new cooper

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:10 pm
by fishnbob

Re: The old dog guarding the new cooper

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:15 pm
by fishnbob

Re: The old dog guarding the new cooper

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:46 pm
by Bill K
Thanks for sharing.. Congrats on the new Cooper. Bill K :)

Re: The old dog guarding the new cooper

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 9:25 am
Looks like you got yourself a fine companion there. And, a Cooper with some seriously nice wood! What cartridge is she chambered for?

Re: The old dog guarding the new cooper

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 10:17 am
by Rick in Oregon
Lookin' goooood there, Bob!

Nuthin' like an old hound guarding a new Cooper. If I laid any of my rifles on the floor, they'd be covered with drool from my Basset Hounds! :eek:

Once you get that little 20VT scoped and runnin', be sure to let us know how she shoots. :D

Re: The old dog guarding the new cooper

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 12:35 pm
by fishnbob
Thanks for the comments guys. Its a model 38 with aa+ walnut chambered in 20vt. Thanks to one of the forum members finding it for me.
The old dog is a rescue I picked up almost 13 years ago. She cant hunt much anymore and the snow is so deep right now I have to carry her out to use the bathroom. Her legs are gettin bad but hope I can keep her around a few more years.

Re: The old dog guarding the new cooper

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:07 pm
Well, make sure you enjoy and appreciate them both for as long as you can.

Re: The old dog guarding the new cooper

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:05 pm
by fishnbob
I got her out in the cold snow and gave her a go. My first go at forming brass from lake city. I loaded 8 rounds with 32 vmax with 17r of h4198 for sight in and fouling shots and to check for pressure signs. I fired five for sight in and cleaned the barrel. I then shot 2 fouling shots and moved to 17.5gr of powder for my first group. My first 3 shots measured .115. I had 3 more rounds loaded at 18gr powder but was getting cold and was so happy with 17.5gr I cleaned up and went home.
Im gona head to the reloading bench and make up a bunch more brass so I can try groups with 5 and 10 shots and give her a workout after I finish barrel break in.
This is my first cooper and I am amazed and extremely excited.
I want to shout out a thanks to RIO for all the advice on dies powder and forming. I wouldnt have been able to do it without him.

Re: The old dog guarding the new cooper

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:31 am
by Captqc
fishnbob wrote:Image
I got her out in the cold snow and gave her a go. My first go at forming brass from lake city. I loaded 8 rounds with 32 vmax with 17r of h4198 for sight in and fouling shots and to check for pressure signs. I fired five for sight in and cleaned the barrel. I then shot 2 fouling shots and moved to 17.5gr of powder for my first group. My first 3 shots measured .115. I had 3 more rounds loaded at 18gr powder but was getting cold and was so happy with 17.5gr I cleaned up and went home.
Im gona head to the reloading bench and make up a bunch more brass so I can try groups with 5 and 10 shots and give her a workout after I finish barrel break in.
This is my first cooper and I am amazed and extremely excited.
I want to shout out a thanks to RIO for all the advice on dies powder and forming. I wouldnt have been able to do it without him.
Nice! Aren't Cooper's the bomb! Rick is a bad influence on lots of people!!!! He has cost me thousands!!!!! :eek: I love him like a brother!!!!!! :lol: Gary