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Re: 35 Whelen??

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 9:56 am
by Rick in Oregon
Valar wrote:Noslers load handbook used a 24 inch Lilja in 1 in 12 twist. This may not be a handy length in elk country? I would be hesitant to go shorter than 22 inch, but thats me being skidish.
Valar: Build your elk rifle with any barrel length you feel prudent, but just for the sake of consideration, I've hunted elk for 35 years from B.C. to the black timber of Oregon using my M70 in .338-06 Ackley, 210gr Partitions, and a 24" barrel. Not all elk country is black timber and pole will also have the opportunity for cross canyon shots, and will need all the velocity you can get for such occurances.

Personally, I'd build the rifle at 24" and hunt with it for a few years. If you then feel handicapped by the 24" tube, you can always have it cut down, but you surely can't add any barrel length if/when you wish for more velocity/flatter trajectory for that six point bull standing on the far side of that canyon at 415 yards away.

This is elk country....not all black timber, and a place where you don't want to be handicapped by too short a barrel:


Good luck with the new barrel and the build....let us know how it shakes out.

Re: 35 Whelen??

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:05 pm
by Jim White
I too have thought about converting my 30-06 to either a 35 Whelen or a 338-06. Both seem very capable, maybe a better bullet selection with the 338 (or so I've heard).

Re: 35 Whelen??

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:44 pm
Ray P, in my younger days, this caliber was known to many at that time as the "poor mans .375H&H" many a big bear has been taken along with plenty of moose and deer with that heavy slug it can shoot. Col. Townsend really came upon a winner for a wildcat in those days and it did a great job for many hunters. 8) Now using it today with the better powders and bullets available just makes it that more potent of a riflel caliber. :D

Re: 35 Whelen??

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 7:12 am
by Ray P
Thanks for all the input guys.It's on the build list.
Later and a Happy and healthy New Year to all!!
Ray P

Re: 35 Whelen??

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:46 pm
Ray P. now if you haven't finished this project yet, I would leave that barrel at 24 or even 25 inches in length. The reason why is loss of velocity with a short barrel, that you just might have to make a 300 yard shot with on a bull elk. To cut 4 inches off a standard barrel is giving up around a 150 feet per second and that drops the muzzle energy and long range energy down a lot more than you might think. This can lead to lack of "Penetration" off the animals vitals past that 200 yard marker etc.

Now if you are positive that you will never shoot passed the 200 yard distance on big game like elk or moose, then by all means cut that barrel down to 21 inches and don't look back Ray.

Re: 35 Whelen??

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:41 pm
by Valar
OK Mauser Wheelen is almost done. I used a 24 inch adams and bennet barrel. Cheap barrel but with good reveiws. This my my first time cutting a chamber. I first made a receiver mandrel and trued the bolt face. Some say unessasary on a Mauser action as primary contact is in side receiver face? Did it anyway. I Resource Hinnants book on gunsmithing.. Awsome resourse, I made tooling for my lathe to use a dial indicator to set chamber depth. I have to say this technique worked flawlessly. When I had chamber cut to within .002 on a feeler gauge , I cut a hair over .001 and tested barrel screwed on but closing on a go gauge was extreamly tight. Pulled barrel and cut another half a thou in depth and retested. Bolt closed on go gauge very smooth. Tested with no go and no close, Done! Considering doing yourself, lathe setup is time consuming and crucial. This should be a fine match chamber. I also drilled and tapped receiver for a Leupold one piece scope mount. I have a machinist table and vise on my drill press so not to hard to to without a jig on a flat based receiver, like a Mauser. Except, Mauser actions are Case Hardened harder than tool steel! I had to spend 25.00 on a single HiRoc Carbide #31 drill bit, and five bucks more on carbide 6x48 tap! That hurt, but will use again. Ok next i Machine a piece of stainless and threaded for a center handle. This is my scope ring lapping tool. I also machined two pieces of stainless for scope alighnment tools. Saved 125.00 and will use again. Used 220 lapping compound and lapped scope rings. I now am waiting on a Mauser low safty. This allows Mauser bolt safty to clear a scope. When that and my heat control paste arrive I can finish! Need to heat and bend bolt handle to clear scope,and dont want to take temper out of the bolt! Hopefully within a week I will test fire. I will then follow up with gun picks etc.
I also stripped down a Hand made Mauser sporter stock, Walnut! Finish I used was refered bye my uncle! Sanded down till I finish sanded with 800 grit! Dusted then sprayed with Armourall Protectant wipe and apply Tru Oil with two fingers! Repeat with armour All and tru Oil I think 12 coats! r Wait till you see this finish! Awsome on a vintage firearm! Armour all acts as a catalyst with the true oil! Hopefully she will be a shooter and will post targets as well! I used a cheaper barrel as was scared to spend big mony on my first chamber cut. Next time its shilen 6 BR I hope!

Re: 35 Whelen??

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:36 pm
by Valar
Well I zeroed the scope on my 35 Whelen project yesterday. This is a ww 2 Mauser 98 action. I I trued the action and chambered a cheap adams and Bennet 35 whellen barrel. My buddy was with me and wow. She is very consistant. I might ad I floated the barrel and lapped it as well as scope rings. She shoots where ya point it! I didnt measure group size but from a light barrel gun It was better than any stock rem 700 I have ever shot! Consistency was very strong. I have to say I didnt shoot long. Ten rounds and was more than my shoulder cound take! I call her Thumper! I am used to 204 22-250 and 308 on occasion. This baby rocks.
This was my first personal gunsmith job. I cut match chamber lapped rings , lapped barrel , and am pleased. I willl definatly do again.

Re: 35 Whelen??

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 5:48 pm
by Valar
Well better late than never? I finished the 35 whelen on mauser 98 action. I match chambered drilled and taped a leupold one piece scope mount. Which buy the way requires a very expensive quality bit AND TAP TO GET TRU THE CASE HARDENED mAUSER ACTION! But , Hey it is all goood. I am pleased with the adams and bennet barrel from midway! Polishied up and blued very nice. I lapped the barrel a bit and also scope rings. After about six rounds to zero she shoots well at 100n yrds. My shoulder was sore after 12 rounds and I stopped. I have since bought dies etc and will work up a load for thumper soon! Impressed buy what i see so far.
I refinished walnut aftermarket stock with amourall and tru oil! Wow is all i can say, I will post pics soon!

Re: 35 Whelen??

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:29 am
by Valar
I fifnished The 35 wheelen last winter . I finally have a picture for any that our interested. This was a Mauser 98 action I had laying around. I trued thee receiver face and installed a adams and Bennet barrel. I match chambered myself. :Much help from John Hinnants Book" I drilled and tapped the receiver and installed a Leupold one piece base. Scope is a 3x 9 weaver I picked up for 40.00 on ebay! I totally refinished the stock bye stripping and sanding out final with 600 grit. Finish is about 14 coats of amour all and hand rubbed truoil process. Gives the gun a nice vintage look. I also had to cut the bolt handle and reweld for scope clearance. Istalled a aftermarket low scope safty as well. The gun shoots very well I am pleased. Wow, does it thump. 10 rounds during scope zero was all I wanted to shoot. 30-06 Brass run tru a 35 wheelen full length die sizes up very well. Currently shooting 200 grain Hornady RN bullets. I cant wait to retire and take it Moose hunting! ... 547836.jpg