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A Decent Day

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:34 am
by kjw204
Pretty amazing day, called and shot 3 yotes and missed a fourth in the same pasture. Longest 295yds, 32grVmax. Had the story written out twice, lost it both times piss on it!ImageImageImage

Re: A Decent Day

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:40 pm
by Pmoper
Nice shooting.....But, what did you shoot them with a cannon...? Look at the exit hole on the 2nd one......Good job of preditor control...

Re: A Decent Day

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:52 pm
by kjw204
Well I'll try and type this out again, what the heck. I set up in a large pasture area with some willow bushes throughout, good fenceline cover and some excellent sign. About 20mins into the set with no sightings I decided to sit quiet for 10 before leaving and sure enough here comes one about a 1/2 mile out. I was able to coax him into 295yds where he decided that was close enough. Feeling comfortable with the distance I placed the crosshares on his nose and squeezed one off. He was on the ground before I heard the bullet hit home. I followed up with a coyote distress call with no takers so I collected my gear and made my way out to get my yote. I wasn't there 5mins and the rest of his pack started howling from the area he came from. Skylined on a hill I made the most of the little cover available and got on them with a male challenge call and out comes 3 more. I knew they would see me so I readied myself for another long shot. Stopping at 245yds #2 is on the ground. He rolled around a bit and then quiet, so I thought. Up he gets and stumbles his way to the fenceline. I figured that was as far as he was gonna get so I headed for the truck with the first yote. I returned later in the afternoon to retrieve #2 and found him in the fenceline. I stepped out to glass the area and wouldn't you know it here comes another one making his way towards me along an adjoining fenceline. A short time later #3's having heart trouble, 100yds away. So with fading light and fair amount of work to do I started for the truck a little over a mile away. About half way there something caught my eye out in the field, glassed and cofirmed another coyote. Out of breath I squeezed one off and missed, oh well a 3 dog day is pretty good in my books. No more vmax's for coyotes for me, they shoot nice but way too much detonation. Have some 35gr bergers waiting in the wings fo the next trip.

Re: A Decent Day

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:39 pm
by kevin204
I killed a Dog yesterday at around 270 yards with a 39 Bk. No where near the damage as what you have.
Nice shooting..

Re: A Decent Day

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:15 pm
by sharptailhunter
Nice job! If you don't mind saying, what do you routinely start calling with? A buddy and myself are just trying to learn how to get em. We've gone to spots where we know there are coyotes but we can't get em to come in. We've heard em barking and such but now luck even seeing em. Of course, I see em all the time when I don't have a rifle with me!

Re: A Decent Day

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:56 am
by ryutzy
Buy a couple of Randy Anderson and the Verminator videos. They will show you all you need to know. That's how I learned and it works!

Re: A Decent Day

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:07 am
by bow shot
"Buy a couple of Randy Anderson and the Verminator videos. They will show you all you need to know..."

And dang entertainging!

Good job! wish it was me!!

Re: A Decent Day

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 5:39 pm
by kjw204
sharptailhunter wrote:Nice job! If you don't mind saying, what do you routinely start calling with? A buddy and myself are just trying to learn how to get em. We've gone to spots where we know there are coyotes but we can't get em to come in. We've heard em barking and such but now luck even seeing em. Of course, I see em all the time when I don't have a rifle with me!
I generally open with some kind of rabbit distress call, foxpro has a good selection. If nothing after 15mins or so I'll try some coyote distress calls, kinda depends on the time year too. Mating season is on right now so I'll throw in the occasional invitation howl. Trick is not to call too much or too loud, play the wind properly, don't leave too soon (I always sit for 10 after my set), don't overwork your spots and be stealthy! If they're barking at you, your busted. They either smelled you, saw you or just plain didn't like what they were hearing. I have tricked the odd one to come that was barking with challenge howls but I only use them when they do as a rule. I'm no master at it I get skunked way more than enough but time in the field is the best teacher. Good Luck!

Re: A Decent Day

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:39 pm
by sharptailhunter
Thanks for the tips. I checked out Randy's website. That leads me to ask:What call are you fine fellars using? My buddy has the Fox Pro Firestorm. It sure is pricey, especially compared to the Primos caller that Randy seems to be endorsing. I'm gonna go pick one up this week, I just wanna get a good one but not break the bank.

Re: A Decent Day

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 7:08 pm
by ryutzy
sharptail--I use handcalls 95% of the time. I do have Randy's Primos electronic caller. It works well when it works, but I'm on my 2nd one in a short time. I sent the first one back for warranty and I need to send this one back for warranty also, but I'm not going to bother. I've got trouble with the volume etc on both and I'm just not overly happy with it. They have a new one out that is supposed to be better, but if I were you, I'd just buy a Foxpro and be done with it.
I use Randy's and the Verminators handcalls and I love them. Randy's videos are very informative (Mastering the ART) and his others are great also. He does a great job at teaching coyote vocalizations and what they mean. I enjoyed his videos so much that I have every one of his videos he has made and I attended one of his seminars. The Verminator videos are awesome as well and very entertaining.

Re: A Decent Day

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:03 am
by kjw204
Caught a pair out mid afternoon on Friday on our way to town for groceries, suprisingly they were still out several hours later on our way home, game on. Snuck in and set up on them and within 5mins one came in, 75 yards but no clean shot (hills). Hoping it would crest the next hill I waited, and waited and nothing. I decided to stand up and have a look around and this thing starts barking at me at what I figure close to 400yds. Busted and with nothing to lose I take rest on a tree and let one fly. Sounding like a hit I collect my things and head for the last place I saw it. Sure enough blood and hair present and little ways out in the field lays the yote. I started walking out to get it and it's head pops up so I drop my gear and keep walking towards it ready for a shot. At about 200yds up it gets and tries to make a break for it, two quick shots and all's quiet. Nothing like doing things the hard way! Sorry the pics not the best. Image