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My latest Toy

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:55 am
by goatr
After pining for a.17Rem. for the past 6 months and not finding one, I started thinking .204 Ruger. The more I read the more I liked. To make short story; "I GOT ONE!!" . I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 75 mi. due north of Pembina N.D. My aim is for fox, coyote, rabbits, maybe hogs(we have a few around here). Just so as not to get flamed here's pics of my rig.




I have loaded 40 rounds with IMR 4064( had it on hand), used to shoot in barrel. Picked up H322 for loading behind 32gr. v-max,fed 205m, new Remington brass, fully prepped.
Any other load suggestions would be appreciated. Rene

Re: My latest Toy

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:39 am
by Joe O
Welcome to the madness.I have relatives living there,that spent time with us ,over the hollidays.Your on the right track.Vary the seating depth,longer than any listed manuals may have themL.ooks likea Tika.Sweet.Check the chamber length and only trim to square up the mouth,after fireforming.Many different powders work well in the 204r.

Re: My latest Toy

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:07 am
by Vartarg
What JoeO said.....

RL10X and IMR8208 have been good in my rifles...esp with 39gr SBK and 35gr Bergers......

Looking forward to your field reports....and pics!! :mrgreen:

Re: My latest Toy

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:04 am
by derrick in missouri
My savage model 12 likes h4895 and 39sbk's. Shoots 1/4 moa but your rifle might not like this load. Rifles are like people some like to eat different things and some are picky.

Re: My latest Toy

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:44 pm
by goatr
Joe O you are rite on it is a Tikka, clicking on thumbnails should have blown them up. T3 Lite Stainless. Am going to try 2, 5 rnd. grps. each of H322 starting at 26 gr. pushing 32gr. v-max when it warms up, currently -15c and going down to -25c to -30c overnite for next couple of days. I sure like the reports of IMR 8208 re temps. What's everyone's experience been with different powders??

Re: My latest Toy

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:00 pm
by Tokimini
Like Vartarg says give both RL10X and 8208XBR a try.

Re: My latest Toy

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 5:48 pm
by K22
I'll jump in there with agreement on using IMR 8208 XBR and also add that H4895 runs a close second to it. For collecting fur the 35gr. Bergers get a lot of good press, from me too. I am trying out the new 37gr. CRT bullet this year, but so far only have a Bobcat under my belt.

Re: My latest Toy

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:51 pm
by venison_burger
Welcome to the forum, goatr. I live in Roseau, MN which is only about 3 hours from you to the southeast. This cold weather we've been having as of late should finally have the canines looking for food to please their raised metabolism. Are you getting any snow up there? This year we had a very brown bobcat season which is already over. I've hunted in Manitoba a couple times, but only for waterfowl. I would love to hunt coyotes up there but i'd need a guide to do it since i'm a nonresident!

Looks like a beautiful gun! As for load suggestions, check out the "favorite loads" page in the reloading section of this forum. 35 gr bergers are best for pelts and very accurate, and 39 SBKs over Re-10x are my favorite long range target load. Good Luck, Have Fun.

Re: My latest Toy

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:36 pm
by goatr
Hi V.B. thanks for the w/c I live in Ste.Anne which is 25 mi. east of Wpg. rite on the Trans Canada, from Roseau you've probably driven right by as we're off #12, 11 mi n. of Steinbach. We've had snow but not that much, certainly not typical,barely enough for snowmobiling.
This cold snap has not helped with my new rifle. Just got it barely sighted in where I want it. When out I was more concerned with proper breakin, have exactly 40 rounds thru. Once weather warms up I'll be out to dial it in where I want it. As this is my first exposure to the .204r, I have to get to know it and its abilities as well as mine.
This will also get me into varminting, we have coyotes around here as I can always hear them howling at night, although I haven't seen them. Once I scout around and get better informed I'll go out and vaccinate a few yotes. Steady hand, sharp eye and needle threader(I hope) should prove successful ( AT 65 2 OUT OF 3 AIN'T BAD, LOL.)

Re: My latest Toy

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:40 pm
by goatr
Tokimini and K22 methinks another trip to town to buy me some 8208 xbr as far too many are recomending it to be a coincidence. Thanks guys

Re: My latest Toy

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:42 pm
by sniper74
Welcome fellow Canadian goatr, I am from SW Sask. Looks like a nice unit you have there. I have had my 204 since November and I absolutely love it. My favorite load for it is 28 grains of Varget with 32 grain Vmax bullets. Not a real screaming round but I can get about a half inch group out of it and I have shot many coyotes with it and none have got away. I also got good groups out of 25 grains of Varget and 40 grain Bergers. I have a bias to Hornady though, I love their stuff! A fan of Berger too, but have always had great groups and great results killing coyotes with Vmax bullets. As many people have said on the site, each gun is different and you may need to try a few different bullets and loads before you find one that works best, which is OK because you get to shoot more!
Let us know what you come up with!

Re: My latest Toy

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:50 am
by goatr
Thanks for the W/C sniper74,its been too cold for me to get out again.I have been looking for some 8208 here in Wpg. but no one has it listed, do you know if it can be ordered into Canada,even Elwood Epps in Ontario does not even list it. Any suggestions??

Re: My latest Toy

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:14 pm
by sniper74
I have not seen that powder around, but I have not been looking for it either. There are some small dealers around here. Not sure if they would have it, but I could give you contact info. I assume you have checked Wholesale and Cabelas in Winnipeg? Is it fairly new? Let me know what you come up with. I am sure we can track it down.