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Sage Rats

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:34 pm
by Malazan
Heading to Christmas Valley/Ft Rock, OR on the 8th of July. Going to try out the new Cooper. Will update later :D

Re: Sage Rats

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:35 am
by Rick in Oregon
Malazan: Before you travel all that way, best to call your rancher to see if the alfalfa is too long to see the little buggers. OR.....if he will have the crop cut before you get there, otherwise you'll never see them in the tall stuff in the fields that late in the season.

Also, it's usually too hot by that time in July for squirrels here, and most if not all of them have gone underground. We stop shooting them after Memorial Day for these reasons. The rats go down around 0900 because of the heat, don't come up again till late in the evening when it's cooled off. It is not the best time of year in Oregon for ground squirrels.....much too late for the best shooting. Best to check it out first and save yourself gas and alot of sweat. :D

If you do get to go, I hope the Cooper is everything you hoped it would be. Skippy won't be too impressed though, I'm sure. :mrgreen:

Re: Sage Rats

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:19 am
by Malazan
Really, we went last year mid-July, and tore them up. We shot form 8 to Noon, then about 1:30 to 5:00. The guys place we hunt on is getting cut and bailed next week.

Re: Sage Rats

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:49 am
by Jim White
Mazalan...all you can hope for is the weather. The last 2-springs have been pretty screwy (cooler than normal) to say the least. But on average, Rick is right. It can get real toasty in July around here.

Have fun...

Re: Sage Rats

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:24 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Malazan wrote:Really, we went last year mid-July, and tore them up. We shot form 8 to Noon, then about 1:30 to 5:00. The guys place we hunt on is getting cut and bailed next week.
You lucked out last time then, as it's usually much too hot for both us and Skippy by the first week of July. As long as it doesn't get too hot, you should be in good shape. We've had real issues in the July heat trying to keep barrels cool. Crop length/hot weather will be the determining factor. Good luck!

Re: Sage Rats

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:32 pm
by futuretrades
My only suggestions would be to definatly bring shade, lots of cold drinks, and don't forget a towel or something to to soak with water, to help keep barrels cool. The wet towel help a bunch, but remember to keep checking for barrel heating, as the towels will not eliminate the heating, but maybe prolong shooting just a bit longer. And keep your ammo cool!

Re: Sage Rats

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:41 pm
by majcl5
I have been in contact w/ the farmer we hunt and he said dont waste your time they are down. We usually make it over this time of year but he said dont bother. Was not what i wanted to hear. But good luck maybe it will better in your neck of the woods

Re: Sage Rats

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:34 am
by tt35
The Richardson's Ground Squirrels in Chrstmas Valley are a different beast than our Belding's GS's. They come up later and go down later. Keep us posted Mazalan and good luck. I'm interested in hearing how you make out.

No Off Saeson
Predator and Varminr Hunting Gear

Re: Sage Rats

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:12 pm
by Malazan
Hey, I made it back :D

My dad and I had a good time. He didn't do any shooting, just a lot of spotting

I shot about 200 Ground Squirrels in 2 Days of shooting :D

I can't believe how cannabilistic they are. As fast as I could pile em' up, the little bastards were out chowing down on their friends :eek: