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Which bullet for Bobcat?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:17 pm
by Neil S.
Hello all. Last weekend was the start of rifle season in Vermont and I was sitting in my favorite stand watching a spike-horn mill around (must have a fork to be legal here), when I heard a scream to my left. As I looked that way I caught a glimpse of a bobcat before it disappeared. It must have snatched a rabbit right beside me! About half an hour later the same cat (I assume) stepped out into my field followed by 5 or 6 little ones! A very cool sight. So That got me thinking about predator hunting this winter. The load I have worked up for coyote is a 39 BK at about 3700 FPS. I figure this load would be too much for a bobcat. Maybe a Barnes VG at minimum velocity would be ok? What about at close range like inside 50 yards? Thanks for your input.


Re: Which bullet for Bobcat?

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:38 am
by sand rat
I can not speak for the 204, because I use it for other things. But my coyote, bobcat rifle is a 17 Rem. I use 25gr Berger Non MEF match bullets, driven at 4000 fps. With this combo I have never had a bullet exit and kills like the hammer of Thor. But only if I use the 25 gr Berger's. No other bullet works like this one.

In all my years I have never had a rifle cal. bullet combo that kills like this one does. Instant DRT out to 300yrds. I have shot coyotes as close as 5ft and cats as close as 20yrds. and never had any pelt damage. heck it wont even exit a skunk at 20yrds.

Just my thoughts though, if you use something around a 32 gr Berger Non Mef match bullet, driven at 4000 or so, you should get the same results.

Hope it works out for you as good as my 17. Where I live and the type of calling I do, I cant ask for anything better. I hope your 204 will do the same, because you wont believe the way it kills. Plus zero pelt damage.

sand rat

Re: Which bullet for Bobcat?

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:50 pm
by Neil S.
Sand Rat,
The 17 Rem has really gotten my interest recently for the reasons you stated. I only wish there was better quality brass available (I looked into it after reading kenbrofox's recent post). Thanks for the tips.


Re: Which bullet for Bobcat?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:52 pm
by K22
Having shot a 17Rem. since 1971, I understand about the lack of quality sometimes in the Rem. 17 cal. brass. But, shooting mine strictly as a Predator rifle, it's rather a mute issue for me. My 17's sure aren't one hole shooters, but 3/4" to 1/2" is not hard to achieve with the Rem. brass I have.
Recently I restocked my Model 7 which was a factory chambered 17Rem. While it was apart I installed an aftermarket trigger, an aluminum base and rings, and pillar bedded it. It's a factory 18" barrel and is very handy in the area I hunt.
The first 4 shots out of the cleaned barrel are on the left and the next 3 shots are on the right target. Yes, I pulled one shot out of that second group, but in defense of myself, light short barreled rifles can be a challenge to shoot. ;)

The bullseyes are about a 1 1/8" across. This was using Rem. brass, 7 1/2 Rem Primer, 25gr. Berger match bullet, and H322.
And here's the rifle.

This is sure not a bench or dog town rifle, but for Predators, I think it's accurate enough, so being forced to use Rem. 17 Rem. brass isn't an issure for this type of application.

Re: Which bullet for Bobcat?

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:23 am
by Neil S.
That sure is a nice predator rifle you have there. That seems like more than enough accuracy for predator hunting so maybe I am over thinking it. I might build a rifle in 17 rem as my next project so thanks for giving me more ideas. I need a preditor rifle for closer ranges and for bobcats, but for this winter I might just load some 26 gr. VG's at their minimum velocity for when I'm calling in the brush.


Re: Which bullet for Bobcat?

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:19 pm
by K22
Thank you for the compliment Neil. Reading your post it looked to me like you were wanting something for hunting and in my opinion, the 17 Rem. and Rem. brass is accurate enough for that. That was the reason I decided to post that. I didn't post it as a rebuttal.

Re: Which bullet for Bobcat?

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:24 pm
by Valar
I have heard vgs are awsome bye some and others have said they go splat on the side of a coyote? I loaded some anyway and gonna try em.

Re: Which bullet for Bobcat?

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:18 am
by Neil S.
Don't worry no offense taken! I always like to hear an honest opinion! And yes I was talking about predator hunting although I like target shooting just for fun as well.


Re: Which bullet for Bobcat?

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 9:10 am
by sand rat
I shoot a Rem 700 and my Son shoots a CZ Varmint in 17 Rem. We both shoot the same load of Varget and the same Berger 25 gr match Non MEF bullets with Rem cases. My son's rifle would only shoot about a .500 group till I switched primers. That primer switch to CCI in his rifle made it go to a bug hole gun. Same load, same case, same bullet. But I have to shoot Rem primers and he has to shoot CCI primers.

I tried some Vmax bullets, and they shot one hole on a piece of paper, but pin holed 5 coyotes and I lost 4 of them, they would not expand, even at 15 yrds. Guys that 25gr Berger match non Mef bullet is the ticket. At least in my experience. If you splash a shoulder joint it doesn't work so well. But a broadside or frontal chest shot, and its instant lights out, no exit and you really, really have to look hard for an entrance hole.

I looked at the Berger web page and they don't list the same type of match bullet for 204, only the 17 cal. I would think they would start to make some for 204, but dang it anyway.

Off the subject a little, but if you hunt coyotes and haven't checked out the "Two minute coyote method of skinning", you might wont to take a look.

You guys have a good season.

sand rat

Re: Which bullet for Bobcat?

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:10 pm
by K22
Good post sand rat.
Personally, I've never had any real problems with Rem. brass. In fact, in all of my calibers, it is my preferred brass. Now don't spread this around, but in my 17 Rem., I use the dreaded, loading die eater, hated nickel brass. :eek: sshhhhh! Don't tell anyone.
What's amazing is I've never ever had any problem of any kind with it. In fact, trimming is nonexistant and so are split necks. My regular 17 brass (non-nickel) will have neck splits, always need to trim, and the primer pockets will start to enlarge. This all starts happening after about 7-8 loadings.

Berger non mef match bullet is the bullet to go with. I've used Genco 25gr. bullets with great success, but ol' Chappie got tired of making them and sold out. DARN!!

Re: Which bullet for Bobcat?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:10 pm
by FireBallGuy
I have used the 17 remington's little brother for years, the 17 fireballl. It is my absolute favorite caliber for general plinking and varmint hunting! Cheap to load for, easy on the barrel, minimal cleaning, what more could a varmint hunter want? It is no long range wonder but I have made some very impressive shots with my remington. Long hit was a 400 yard shot on a jackrabbit, went down like a bad habit! The 17's are by FAR the most fur friendly round out there, I seriously hope more people embrace the 17's, in particular if you hunt for hides or edible larger small game.