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My latest prairie dog adventure

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:26 pm
by Mike
I just got back from my latest adventure to western Kansas in search of the elusive beast we like to call Skippy. My friends and I spent four days out there in the dry Kansas heat, defending ourselves from those ornery critters, swapping stories and having a great time together. Daytime temps approached 100 degrees most days, but the lack of humidity (I'm from Missouri!) made the temps much more tolerable and setting up canopies helped a lot as well. Nights cooled down into the upper 50s or low 60s, which made for ideal camping conditions. We only battled wind on one day, so I felt very fortunate in that regard. Rather than ramble on and bore you guys, I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story...

Here's base camp where a friend and I rested up for our daily battles.

Central command, where we held daily strategy sessions, prepared meals, showered, etc.

Another view of central command.

Setting up our positions for an afternoon shoot.

A view of the hostile terrain.

A little bit of Cooper porn, just because every good thread deserves it!

This poor guy seemed to be all strung out for some reason.

This one needed a gut check.

Finally, this poor guy just seemed to lose his head.

Thanks for sharing in the memories with me. Until next time...

Re: My latest prairie dog adventure

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:47 pm
by Gube
Nice story and pics Mike. Thanks for sharing. Quite the fancy "central command post" you had set up. I finally managed to get out yesterday for some "grass maggot" action. It surrrre felt good.

Re: My latest prairie dog adventure

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:31 pm
by surfclod
Looks pretty plush!!

I am plenty envious, have only gotten out once so far this year, weather has been shite on wknds in my area.

How many rounds do you average per day??

Re: My latest prairie dog adventure

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 5:33 am
by Keith in Ga
Mike, looks like the hot weather didn't hurt your shooting! That Cooper looks right at home patrolling the pd fields. We're leaving early Thursday morning for Montana, but the weather reports call for a pretty good chance of rain every day. One ranch we shoot will be completely out of action if it rains, and it is our best place to shoot. I'm a little depressed right now! Hopefully the weather forecasters won't be right.

Re: My latest prairie dog adventure

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:45 am
by Mike
surfclod wrote:How many rounds do you average per day??
On this trip, I averaged approximately 250 shots per day. I could have run that number up, but I was being fairly picky with some of my shots and also wanted to keep my barrel temps down in the heat.

Re: My latest prairie dog adventure

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:48 am
by Mike
Keith, that's a heck of a road trip from GA to MT! I'll keep my fingers crossed for some good Montana weather while you're up there.

Re: My latest prairie dog adventure

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:04 am
by remy3424
Nice command center!!! Glad the weather cooperated for your crew. Great pics and write-up, thanks for sharing. 9 days and counting until I leave for my adventure.

Re: My latest prairie dog adventure

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:41 am
by Rick in Oregon
Mike: Glad the trip turned out well. That command center is purty dang fancy, there bud! That, along with the Cooper is gonna spoil those doggies. :lol:

Looks like as far as equipment goes, you guys were really set up well. The fact that the wind gave you a break is just icing on the proverbial cake....nice. Thanks for sharing the adventure, and for throwing in some Cooper porn to know how to woo us. ;)

Re: My latest prairie dog adventure

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:39 am
by Mike
Rick in Oregon wrote:Looks like as far as equipment goes, you guys were really set up well.
Well, there was glaring equipment issue. Remember the deal I told you about with my "new" BR Pivot? The guy didn't get it sent out to me in time for this trip, which was quite disappointing. Especially since I told him very clearly when I needed the bench on the day we struck the deal. Oh well, I still got plenty of action and understand that sometimes issues pop up for people. I'll have it next time, for sure.

Re: My latest prairie dog adventure

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:24 pm
by greenmonster204
I live in NW Montana and the weather for about the last month has definitely not been good for huntin. last day or two hasnt been to bad though hope it holds out for you.