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Shiney new .204 (do not view after eating)

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:36 pm
by Wade
I traded in my H&R Ultra Varmiter and got a Savage 12 with a 26" tube, early indications killing paper told me it was going to be a laser beam, but in the field it is a weapon of mass destruction. I still need to work up a load, I have been burning up all my loads I had for the H&R, any suggestions would be helpful, probably stick with 39gr SBK

Since P-dog season does not start for another two weeks here in Colorado, I got permission to hunt some private land. First day was very promising, today was very windy, but had saw some good action. :camper:


The Roommate, does his work usually with a CZ .223 with 40gr V-max, today he broke out the 7mm Dakota 150gr @ 3400. I love to spot for that, WOW! :eek: chunks on the powerlines. The pictures are the pieces that were located, sometimes hard to distiguish exactally where it came from and what appendage it really is.


Re: Shiney new .204 (do not view after eating)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:25 am
by Joe O
Check out the loads in the Hodgdon 2010 loading Magazine.Has loads with the IMR 8208 XBR powder,(my first choice).Varget and H4895 work well,as do many others.Load I used last month,out west ,was 28gr of Varget ,Sie 39gr BK,Rem 71/2 primer OAL 2.355.Bullet tension .002-.003.With the Sie 32gr BK I used IMR 8208 XBR ,28.4gr for 4000fps from a 23" G2 Contender.

Re: Shiney new .204 (do not view after eating)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:25 pm
by WaltherP99
NICE! Those 12FV's are nice! :)

Re: Shiney new .204 (do not view after eating)

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:49 am
by Dave in DE
awsome pics! but your right not after eating
what model 12 is it? I'm looking for the newest one out, the fcv.

Re: Shiney new .204 (do not view after eating)

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:58 am
by WaltherP99
Dave in DE wrote:awsome pics! but your right not after eating
what model 12 is it? I'm looking for the newest one out, the fcv.
Can't tell if that is the FCV or not but hte only difference between the FV and FCV is the mag!

That, however, is the new model FV! ;wtg:

Re: Shiney new .204 (do not view after eating)

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:11 am
by remy3424
I think most of those hits were just flesh-wounds, rub a little dirt on it and walk it off!!! Wow, not much left to eat on some of those. Nice shooting.

Re: Shiney new .204 (do not view after eating)

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:41 am
by broncsandwhiskey
Great story and pics and I know you'll love this rifle and want to get another Savage. Thanks for the post. Ride Up!!!

Re: Shiney new .204 (do not view after eating)

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 6:55 pm
by TD-Max
I'd suggest you run a ladder test with Re10x and I think you'll be satisfied with the results.

Re: Shiney new .204 (do not view after eating)

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:17 pm
by M_D
I haven't worked up any 39 grain loads for my Savage yet, but found a good one for 32 grain Sierras using IMR 8208. The information is in this post: ... 939#p59939

Re: Shiney new .204 (do not view after eating)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:05 pm
by Sidewinderwa
Carnage, I love it! I have had really good luck with H4895 and 39gr Blitzkings in my 204s.