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PD Hunt on 5-15-2010 in North Dakota--Graphic Photos

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 3:24 pm
by Silverfox
Saturday turned out to be a nice day, but I had things to do in the morning and didn’t get out of Williston until around 1:15 in the afternoon. I headed south towards the National Grasslands in search of some prairie dogs to shoot. I arrived at the dog town around 2:30 and parked my pickup in the shade of a green ash tree, but there wasn’t much shade since the ash tree hadn’t sprouted many leaves. It was a perfect day for prairie dog shooting—the temperature was in the mid 70s and winds were out of the southeast at 2 to 7 mph, but most the day the wind was under 5 mph!!

After I parked my pickup and got out to get my .17 Tactical from behind the passenger side seat, I noticed a little brush rabbit sitting alongside a fallen dead tree. I got out the old digital camera and snapped a couple photos, but I did not shoot the rabbit.


There were still some .17 Tactical fire forming loads I wanted to shoot, so I uncased my .17 TAC and got out the ammo for that rifle. I only had 12 rounds of 25 gr. V-Max to fire form and was hoping I could find 12 prairie dogs who would volunteer to be test subjects for these fire forming loads. I had all my gear ready to go and had locked the doors on my pickup when I heard a prairie dog barking to the east of my pickup. I could see him up on the hillside and decided to use the hood of my pickup to shoot from. I extended my bipod leg and lowered my rifle onto the hood and began to move the bipod around to get line up on the prairie dog when my burglar alarm was activated by my movement on the hood of the pickup. My horn started honking and the prairie dog disappeared down his hole!!! I fumbled in my pockets to find the keys to my pickup so I could turn off the burglar alarm. EMBARRASING MOMENT #1.

After getting the horn to quit honking, I could hear another prairie dog barking very close to where the earlier one had been. This time, I planned on resting on the hood again, but I DID NOT lock the pickup doors!!! I got into position, got the crosshairs on the prairie dog and squeezed off the shot. I could see the hit in the scope and saw the PD go flying off the mound.

I started my little walkabout and found a few prairie dogs to shoot at, but they were very wary. I spent over an hour getting off 11 shots. I concluded that these prairie dogs had been shot at quite a few times already this spring. I had one more round to shoot, but no prairie dogs were popping up to shoot at. Finally, I decided to take a shot at an old dead tree to see where the bullet would hit. The tree was 125 yards away and my bullet hit right on the mark for windage and approximately 1.25 inches high, which is about where it should have hit for the velocity of the load and having it sighted in for a 230 yard zero. I had hit 7 prairie dogs and missed on the other four shots. I was happy with how the fire forming loads shot. I’m still trying to find a good load for the .17 TAC because I had the barrel set back 1 inch and rechambered about a month ago.

I headed back to the pickup to get my new/old .204 Ruger. This is a rifle I bought from a member of one of the hunting boards. It is a Savage 12VLP with a 26 inch stainless steel super match grade Pac-Nor barrel with a 1 in 11 twist and three grooves. I have a Leupold VX-III 6.5-20x40mm long range side focus scope on this rifle. The former owner said he had shot about 325 rounds through the barrel. All of the bullets I have shot out of this rifle have been coated with hBN. The white hBN fills the tiny void between the poly tip and the copper body of the bullet. It looks kind of neat—like a racing stripe!!


I got out my mirage shield and laid it in the driver’s seat. I loaded up my sandwich and some water in my backpack, put my box of reloads in my backpack, and double-checked to make sure I had all the necessities along. I put my set of pickup keys in the top compartment of my backpack, locked the doors and started my walkabout for the afternoon. Up until today, I had shot nothing but paper targets with the rifle. Today was the day I was going to make sure this rifle got first blood. I didn’t have to walk very far before I found a prairie dog daring me to shoot at it. I took out my Leica 1200 range finder and got a reading of 183 yards. I was shooting almost straight into the wind. I squeezed off the shot and could see the prairie dog explode and fly backwards off his mound! The .204 Ruger had scored first blood.


Here’s the Hero Photo for the day.


The brass I was using on Saturday was new, fully prepped WW brass. Remington 7½ primers were used and my bullets were 39 gr. Sierra BlitzKings coated with hBN, and powered by 27.4 grains of IMR 8208 XBR powder (If you plan on trying IMR 8208 XBR, please DO NOT start out with my powder charge weight—start lower and work your way up—27.3 grains is the listed maximum for bare bullets!!!). The muzzle velocity with new brass being fire formed averages about 3,836 fps and I sight the rifle in so it is 1 inch high at 100 yards and that gives me a 240 yard zero. However, as I was shooting during the day, I discovered that on the long shots past 185 yards, on a prone prairie dog, my bullets were hitting a little low. I made the correction for that by holding a wee bit higher on the distant prairie dogs and had a very good hit percentage after that.

I had only loaded 44 rounds in the new brass and since there weren’t many prairie dogs out, I figured I could spend the rest of the afternoon shooting and still have ammo left over. I continued my walkabout and around 4:30 I spotted a patch of prairie dogs south east of some trees and began to sneak up to get a little closer to them before shooting. I had to sneak through the trees and finally got into position to shoot and noticed that my mirage shield WAS NOT firmly attached to the barrel—IT WAS MISSING!!!! I thought back to where I could have lost it and thought it may have got snagged on a tree limb as I sneaked up to the spot I was at right then. I decided to wait with shooting prairie dogs, leave my rifle and backpack at this spot and walk back to find the mirage shield. I must have walked 500 to 600 yards, backtracking my path. I could not find the mirage shield. I did not want to leave the PD town without that shield, but I didn’t want to backtrack all the way to the pickup since I had left my backpack and rifle where I discovered the mirage shield was missing. I walked back to my rifle, still worried whether I’d find the shield. I settled down and got in some pretty good action on the prairie dogs SE of the trees.

My stomach was growling and when I looked at my watch, I discovered it was almost 5:30. I had eaten a late breakfast at 10:15 a.m. and hadn’t eaten anything since then so I found a shady spot by a tree and ate my PBJ sandwich and had some water to drink. The wind had died down to only a whisper now and I could hear lots of prairie dogs barking to the east and southeast of where I was sitting. They must have come out to have supper too. The next two hours were the best shooting time of that day. These prairie dogs seemed extremely wary for so early in the year so there were not many short shots. I saw plenty evidence that other prairie dog shooters had been in this town already this year—lots of tire tracks and dead prairie dogs. Even though there weren’t many short shots, there were plenty of customers in the 185 to 220 yard range. I wondered if any of the prairie dogs I had shot were females, so I examined many of the carcasses and none of the ones I looked at were females. There were no pups out at all and I didn’t expect to see any since they usually don’t come out until the last week of May or first week of June.

I only had 8 round left to shoot and was about 3/4 mile from the pickup, so I began my walk back to the vehicle. There were plenty of prairie dogs to shoot on my walk back to the pickup and I ran out of cartridges about 10 minutes before I got back to the pickup at 8:00 p.m. The longest shot I hit on with the .204 Ruger was 283 lasered yards. The closest shot was 75 yards and when the bullet hit that prairie dog there was red mist and body parts flying all over. I was lamenting the fact that my son wasn’t along to take multiple photos of the action with his fancy digital SLR camera. Oh well, there will be time for those photos later this summer.

I had hit on 36 of 44 shots and with the 7 prairie dogs I hit with the .17 Tactical; I had decreased the PD population by 43 with the 55 shots I took. This wasn’t a tremendous day for numbers, but it was a heck of a good start to the prairie dog season for me. Hopefully the pups will be out on my next outing near the end of May.

The new/used Pac-Nor barreled Savage 12VLP in .204 had seen 76 shots down the barrel before I did my walkabout shooting prairie dogs on Saturday, so with the 44 shots I took today, there had been a total of 120 hBN coated bullets down the barrel since it was last cleaned. The last two shots I took with this rifle were hits on prairie dogs at 187 yards and 220 yards, so the accuracy hadn’t dropped off much for having that many bullets down the barrel. I think the hBN coating definitely helps me shoot more shots before barrel cleaning is required.

Here’s a photo of the second to last PD of the day and the shot was lasered 187 yards.


Here’s the view of the blood splatter on the entrance to the mound:


And next is a photo of the entrance and exit wounds. The entrance wound is on the side and the exit was out the belly area.


Here’s a photo of the last PD of the day shot at 220 yards. I was somewhat surprised at how big the exit wound was for this 220 yard shot. I don't think the patient will survive.


When I got back to the pickup, I had EMBARRASSING MOMENT #2. There, lying in the driver’s seat, was my mirage shield. That was good, but the reason it was embarrassing was that I had taken several photos of the .204 Ruger alongside the first prairie dog I shot with it and I could plainly see that THERE WAS NO MIRAGE SHIELD ON THE BARREL!!! Why hadn’t I thought to preview the photos on the camera to see if the shield was on the barrel before I took a 500 to 600 yard walk to look for it and then another 500 to 600 yards back to where I left my rifle and backpack???? The mind is a terrible thing to lose and my mind was not all there when I failed to look at the photos on the camera before taking that long hike!!! It is tough to get old, but I have to admit it beats the alternative.

Re: PD Hunt on 5-15-2010 in North Dakota--Graphic Photos

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 6:39 pm
by Clint E
Silverfox nice story and pics
Just because you forgot your shade doesnt mean your getting old and forgetful you just had your mind on other things like shooting.
Nice looking rifle to .

Re: PD Hunt on 5-15-2010 in North Dakota--Graphic Photos

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 6:51 pm
by acloco
Excellent report.

I am on a 3 day hiatus to Nebraska. I might take half a day to help control some population of PD's dependent.

Re: PD Hunt on 5-15-2010 in North Dakota--Graphic Photos

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 6:38 am
by TD-Max
Do you have any pics of your shield or suggestions what to use? With 18x and 25x capabilities this year I think I had better check them out.

I have tried the 8208 XBR and did not run quite as strong a charge as you, but I'm sure that I could get away with it. I stopped at 27.2 (no pressure signs) but haven't decided if it is worth burning almost a grain and a half more 8208xbr versus 26.0 Rel 10x. I guess temperature stability is one reason, but I have 500 rds of the 10x loads ready and nearly 8# in a jug.

Re: PD Hunt on 5-15-2010 in North Dakota--Graphic Photos

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 7:13 am
by Rick in Oregon
SF: Great story and pics as always; felt like I was there with you. Don't fret about the forgetfulness either, at least you didn't forget your ammo like a good friend did a few years back. :eek:

Remember, if you misplaced something then find it, if nobody else knows about it, did you ever really misplace it? :chin:

Re: PD Hunt on 5-15-2010 in North Dakota--Graphic Photos

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 8:18 am
by majcl5
As usual great detailed storys and pictures. Dont worry i am 40 and i forget stuff all the time.

Re: PD Hunt on 5-15-2010 in North Dakota--Graphic Photos

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 8:27 am
by Captqc
:duh: Forget :huh: Forget what :huh: :duh: SilverFox, ya ain't alone in that boat! Great post! Thanks for sharing. Gary

Re: PD Hunt on 5-15-2010 in North Dakota--Graphic Photos

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 8:43 am
by TD-Max
The technical term for this is CRS

Re: PD Hunt on 5-15-2010 in North Dakota--Graphic Photos

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 1:59 pm
by remy3424
You did remember a camera!!! I can never remember that!!! Nice pics and write-up. Thanks for sharing.

Re: PD Hunt on 5-15-2010 in North Dakota--Graphic Photos

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 3:31 pm
by Glen
Another great write up SF!! Man what a mess those poodles make when done properly. :lol: :lol:

Re: PD Hunt on 5-15-2010 in North Dakota--Graphic Photos

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 5:18 pm
by Gube
As usual, great story and pics SF. I still can't believe that I haven't been out p-doggin yet this year :wall: . I just may have to slip out for a few hours tomorrow or Thursday. I have over 1000 rounds and three 204's just itchin to do some "red misting". :twisted:

Re: PD Hunt on 5-15-2010 in North Dakota--Graphic Photos

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 8:00 pm
by Sidewinderwa
Nice story and pictures SF. How do you like the 8208 powder? I have not seen any for sale yet. What kind of groups and consistency are you getting out of it? Will you be changing you regular powder? I have a hard time remembering to take a camera with me so you are not alone on that CRS thing! :loco:

Re: PD Hunt on 5-15-2010 in North Dakota--Graphic Photos

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 1:01 pm
by Silverfox
Thanks to all of you for the nice comments on the story and the new/used rifle as well as the encouraging words about my poor memory :D

TD-Max--The shields that I use are aluminum Venetian blind slats. Sinclair International sells them. If you can find some old Ventian blinds, you could make your own. You can trim them to length with a scissor and they don't weigh down your rifle either. Here's a photo of a shield on my old Savage .204:


And a photo of my .17 Remington with the shield on the barrel:


If you can't see the shields good enough in these photos, let me know, and I'll take some pictures of the shields all by themselves and post them for you.

If Rel 10X is working good for you, I wouldn't suggest that you switch powders. You'd just be burning up your barrel needlessly. I don't think there's a huge difference in temperature sensitivity between Rel 10X and the 8208 XBR if you are loading with some caution and not stuffing tons of powder in your casings, however, 26.0 grains of Rel 10X sounds like a pretty stiff charge to me???

I am still using H4895 in my old Savage .204 Ruger. I have tested several loads with hBN coated bullets and 8208 XBR in that old rifle, but I'll stick with H4895 until I change to the new Pac-Nor barrel on that rifle.

RIO--No, I didn't forget my ammo on that trip, but I did forget it one time when I headed out to the rifle range about 12 miles out of town. No big deal to run back in those 12 miles. However, one time a coyote hunting buddy of mine met me at a spot about 60 miles from his home and forgot to take the bolt for his rifle out of the safe and take it with him!!! Fortunately, I ALWAYS carry at least two rifles in my pickup with me when I go hunting so he got to use my Tkkka Master Sporter in .22-250 that day. He bagged a coyote with it too!

Sidewinderwa--I first found out about the IMR 8208 XBR powder over on the Daily bulletin at the Board. I checked around trying to find some for quite a long time and finally found some over in Miles City, Montana back in February. I just called over there yesterday and wanted to buy 4 to 8 pounds and they were out of it, but had a bunch of it on backorder. I haven't found any stores in North Dakota that have it in stock. I have tried Bismarck and Minot--nobody has it. They always seem to have that same old story, "We just sold the last pound of it a few minutes ago."

The IMR 8208 XBR powder is working just GREAT in my new/used .204 Ruger. I'm still using H4895 in my other .204 Ruger, N540 in my tight neck .17 Remington, and N-540 for the 24 gr. V-Max out of my .17 Tactical and Varget for the 30 gr. bullets out of the .17 Tactical. I may try the 8208 XBR in my other rifles, but right now I have loads that work with the other powders and don't want to switch. It is about time to get a bunch of ammo loads and go out a shoot some prairie dogs!!!

I have posted pictures of some of my groups on this board, but here's a couple more for you. This first one was shot with some 35 gr. FBHP Berger bullets coated with hBN. YES, I know some of these targets only have 4 shots, but I have my way of testing loads and I usually go with only three or four shots until I find a promising load and then I shoot 5 to 10 with that load.


Here's a target I shot with the 39 gr. Sierras and a load I thought would be a good one:


I might start using the 40 gr. Hornady V-Max bullets out of this new/used .204, but my best group was with my old favorite powder, H4895:


8208 XBR didn't do too bad either:


Re: PD Hunt on 5-15-2010 in North Dakota--Graphic Photos

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 8:06 pm
by Sidewinderwa
SF, thanks for the info on the new IMR powder. I have been playing with some Ramshot X-Terminator powder on my VarTarg and will try it out on the 204s. I wish I was closer to some prairie dog shooting. Thanks for taking us along with your hunts.