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The 204 Strikes!!

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 8:17 pm
by FireBallGuy
The first "Big Game" varmints for the VSF!! The Load: 39 grain Sierra Blitzking, 25.5 grains Benchmark, W-W brass, Federal 205M Primer, COL 2.325". The badger was shot mid november when there was not a crumb of snow on the ground. The shot was 75 yards and all I could see was his head sticking out of his hole. Aimed just below it's head and it was over!! Sucker did not even twitch!! HUGE exit hole on it's left side. As for Wyle E Coyote, was running strainght away from us, had no shot to the vitals at all, went for the spine and this poor critter jumped 3 feet in the air and flew 10 feet forward!! The initial shot was fatal but true to form, my bro in law put one more in her from his 243. ALos managed to bag a whole BUNCH of jack's, 11 bunnies with 12 shots. CLEANLY missed 1 of them at 100 yards. Longest shot on the day was 375 yards and all I have to say is that this load is AWESOME!! Even at longer range, this is basically a point and shoot proposition. Going to be a REALLY FUN WINTER!!!

Re: The 204 Strikes!!

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 8:19 pm
by FireBallGuy
Oops!! Did the same pic twice....DOH!!!

Re: The 204 Strikes!!

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:34 pm
by Captqc
That's so cool! I've always wanted to get a badger! No luck yet. Thanks for the pics! Gary

Re: The 204 Strikes!!

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:13 am
by FireBallGuy
Stupid part is: a month ago everything was green, now we have that nice white blanket. Wyle E Coyote has nowhere to HIDE!!!

Re: The 204 Strikes!!

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 8:30 am
by Ray P
FireBallGuy :mrgreen: .........Nice very nice and thanks for sharing the pics. Now you need to go out and get a 2nd Ruger 204. The nice thing about the Ruger 204 it is a point and shoot cartiridge with a pet load....most critter are D.R.T.
Thanks again for the nice pics, wish I was there with you to enjoy the experiance.
Merry Christmas and be safe in the cold.
Ray P

Re: The 204 Strikes!!

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 9:21 am
by FireBallGuy
I agree!! Having another gun in this caliber would not hurt my feelings at all!! A T3 Varmint in 204 would be REALLY nice!!

Re: The 204 Strikes!!

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:39 am
by Captqc
While it's true that you can never have enough of a good thing like the .204, you also find yourself in the position of needing another scope for that new rifle! :eek: I got a new Cooper awhile back and she is still waiting for a scope! :eew: I've got about four months to save up :idea: ....donations???? :lol: I know Santa won't be bringing it. :cry: Gary

Re: The 204 Strikes!!

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 1:48 pm
by Rick in Oregon
FBGuy: The others are right, you NEED more than one 204! I hopped on the bandwagon with a Sako 75 Varmint, then HAD to have another, so built my 11 twist custom M700, then along came a sweet deal on a Kimber 84M Varmint, in guess what? 204 Ruger of course. It came home with me also.

Is the 204 Virus contageous? I'd answer that with a quick "yes it is". ;)

Congrats on that yote and badger. Captqc WOULD be able to snag a badger too, but every morning he uses "Badger B-Gone" after shave....go figure!

This is the last hole digger to fall to my custom 11 twist 204, better known as "The Silver Princess of Death" or just SPOD for short. One shot at 226 yards with the 39gr SBK and not even a wiggle.....DRT right now!


Hope you have a grand winter. :D Captqc: You could always just run down to Bi-Mart and grab a Simmons or Trashco and have a scope right now........ :lol:

Re: The 204 Strikes!!

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 2:18 pm
by FireBallGuy
Nice job!! My badger didn't make a twitch either!! The yote' on the other hand when I walked up to it to take the pic, turned it's head around and attempted to bite me!?! Walked back to the truck, got the gun and solved that problem really quick, that accounts for the extra bullet hole. Almost makes me think that the SPS I have at home should perhaps be re-barreled.....was planning a new lilja for the fireball but perhaps I should rethink this. This would give me the lighter walking around gun i desire......Thanks guys for creating another 204 MONSTER!!!

Re: The 204 Strikes!!

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 2:32 pm
by JBinMontana
Awesome shooting there :)

Re: The 204 Strikes!!

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 2:39 pm
by FireBallGuy
Thank you, one of MANY more to come. Where we go this year seems to be an over abundance of yotes'. 8 animals taken in a week, almost as bad a the jack rabbits!!

Re: The 204 Strikes!!

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:56 pm
by Glen
.was planning a new lilja for the fireball but perhaps I should rethink this.
I agree 100% FBG!! Maybe even 204%!! Make that little 221FireBall into a 20VarTarg!!! :wink:

Re: The 204 Strikes!!

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:48 am
by FireBallGuy
Actually it is an SPS in 17 fireball, also a HUGE fan of that little number as well!!

Re: The 204 Strikes!!

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 5:54 pm
by Glen
Sweet!! :mrgreen:

Re: The 204 Strikes!!

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 11:30 am
by FireBallGuy
Heading out this weekend again. Looks like the weather should be good, hope the critters cooperate.....LOL!