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Help- Big dog problems
Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 5:42 am
by cshooter
A neigbor down the road from me has a BIG st. bernard dog. He probably weighs at least 150 pounds. He has been warned to keep the dog tied up because he's been chaseing my cattle. I think the next time the dog does it , he won't go home again. I was wanting an opinion on wether the 204 would be enough gun to take him out or not. My 243 in on the blink right now, so that leaves my 270 as the only other option, and I need to get some shells loaded up for it. I hate to do it but if he runs them through the fence, or gets a calf down, then I've got problems.
Re: Help- Big dog problems
Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 6:34 am
by Glen
Have the proper authorities warned these people or were you trying to be neighborly in the beginning? If so then it's time the law was called.
Re: Help- Big dog problems
Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 7:22 am
by Mike
I respect your need to protect your cattle, but please bear in mind that shooting someone's dog is a HUGE deal. I hope that you have exhausted EVERY other option before turning to this. It's a real shame to see a dog pay the ultimate price for an owner's lack of responsibility.
Re: Help- Big dog problems
Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:12 am
by cshooter
I'm still hopeing to resolve this problem. I think the guy understands, his wife on the other hand is a different story. I'm confident that he will either tie the dog up or get rid of him. But I'll give it a little longer and then call the sherriff if happens again. I guess I can't really blame the dog. It seems so many people these days don't take care of their pets. We have so many stray cats it's terrible. We spay all our dogs and cats and keep the dogs in a 1/4 acre pen by the house to keep them from getting into trouble. Yea, I guess you are right. I'll talk to him again about it and see what can be done. Thanks guys. Sorry if I affended anyone.
Re: Help- Big dog problems
Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:51 am
by sniper model 12
I have been in you shoes cshooter. I had a monster chow running my farm. I went through the whole process without success. I opted for a load of .22 lr bird shot. After receiving a load in "gentle places" he thought it best to leave.
If you make contact with the police and dog warden then you are taking the right steps.
I posted before about a co-worker who shoots anything on his property with his allmighty .270! Everything from a Jack Russel up to a Rottweiler has met demise for stepping on the grass or drinking the magic water from the holy fishing pond.
The sherrif has been to his place several times but to warn him about the state rules regarding his simple minded actions.
Re: Help- Big dog problems
Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 4:55 pm
by Melvin Eades
Have you thought of taking pictures or better yet, a video of the dog chasing your cows. Then you could present this to the authorities.
Shooting someone's dog can land you in jail even if you are trying to protect your own property.
Everytime it happens, call the law. That way there is documentation of your problem.
Just my $.02, just don't get yourself in big trouble over a dog.
Re: Help- Big dog problems
Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 5:46 pm
by acloco
Actually, if he owns the land and the dog is chasing his cattle, in some states/counties, the landowner has every right to shoot the dog. But, I would check the laws first.
Re: Help- Big dog problems
Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 7:55 pm
by Ryan S Albright
The 204 is enough gun. If they don't care enough to keep him home they will probably not miss him. If they love him they will take care of him.
Re: Help- Big dog problems
Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 8:30 pm
by Va varminter
If you can, try to leash the dog and take it to the pound. My dad has had several St. Bernards over the years, very friendly IMO. If you can't do that, or the dog is too mean then shoot to kill. Only as a last resort of course. But you owe it to the dog not to use a light gun. These dogs are big and solid with lots of fur. Take 10 min. to throw together 2-3 rounds of .270. Quick and easy and hopefully painless.
Re: Help- Big dog problems
Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 9:39 pm
by Racr350
I wouldn't shoot the dog unless i had to. If the authorities haven't been involved. Do that first and go from there...
Re: Help- Big dog problems
Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 7:57 am
by Mike
Ryan S Albright wrote:The 204 is enough gun. If they don't care enough to keep him home they will probably not miss him. If they love him they will take care of him.
In either case, it's the owners who are in question and not the dog. Yet, the dog gets shot? Somehow, I'm not connecting those dots.
Re: Help- Big dog problems
Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:46 am
by steve
catch the owners and take them to the pound!
Re: Help- Big dog problems
Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 3:27 pm
by dannybracy
I would contact the authorities and then contact the neighbor along with his wife. Explain that you can't have him running your cattle. Then call the humane society and make sure there is nothing they can do, if the police don't help solve the problem. Shooting another persons pet b/c they are idiots is NOT the answer. -Dan
Re: Help- Big dog problems
Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 5:17 pm
by Rick in Oregon
FWIW, my .02: I agree completely with Dannybracy above. I know how I'd feel if someone shot one of my would not be pretty.
The dog is just doing "dog-stuff"....the owners are idiots.