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prairie dog combo

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 11:04 am
by skb2706
Been a while since I posted anything here...seems my password kept getting dumped. Must be a 'puter thing. Spent last week out on the farm scouting for my antelope and shooting a couple hundred prairie dogs. Took a buddy out and once we got the windage thing worked out we were "curve ballin" the little suckers one right after another. At 400 yds. we would make a six inch correction, I don't know what the equates to in wind speed but it was tricky to figure past that. Took both .204s and several boxes of handloaded 32 gr. Vmaxs and shot about 250 rds. , my buddy shot about the same number. We figured about 350 pds and one unfortunate badger all met their maker by Sunday aftrernoon.
Also located several nice antelope of which has my name pasted on his axx.

Re: prairie dog combo

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:31 pm
:assault: That's gotta be a blast shooting prairie dogs. I'd loved to do that one day!

Re: prairie dog combo

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 5:48 pm
by joghotrod
Way to go Steve. Glad you have your password working.

Good luck on the Antelope bucks.


Re: prairie dog combo

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:03 am
by skb2706
jimmy - Went to all the usual places and had the usual results. Probably some of the best shootin we've had this year in just volume of dogs. Did not see any rattlesnakes which is just fine with me.

wyld - It is. Jimmy comes 1100 miles to shoot ' way. Most fun you can have with a rifle.

Re: prairie dog combo

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 10:14 am
by Captqc
Pictures man, pictures! :eek: We want to see the carnage :lol: . Gary

Re: prairie dog combo

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 10:22 am
by skb2706
Alright I get with the camera man about some photos. I figure I'm am doing pretty good to remember ammo, rifles, rests etc.
To be honest a short video of one particular shot would have been especially good. Seems my buddy shooting his 22-250 and some Vmaxs hit one pd in the neck, about 150 yds out. The shot popped off "the thinking parts" straight up in the air about 30 feet....never seen that before.