Here's a recap of the hunt. I will be posting additional picture probably tomorrow (as long as I get pictures from everyone at work).
WARNING - Some of the pictures are a bit graphic!
Day 1 - Wednesday
We left Bloomington, IL. the morning of May 7th and spent basically the entire day traveling, 12 hours in all. Not much to mention except once we got into western Nebraska, the amount of wildlife we saw was amazing. Turkey's (numbering in the hundreds), deer and pheasants were a plenty. We checked into the Shady Rest motel around 9:30 or so.
Day 2 - Thursday
Finally, our first day to shoot. We awoke to mild but windy conditions. Our group of 9 split up into 3 smaller group and headed in separate directions. The group I was with hunted west of Oshkosh. We had a couple pastures to shoot in that had pretty good size dog towns.
Here's a few pictures of the terrain...
We chose to set up in the lower portion of the field and shoot to the North. We didn't have any dogs in close, and spent a couple hours shooting 300-600 yards in the wind (challenging to say the least).
Blood trail after a 500 yard hit...
After having a few kills, we decided to move up several hundred yards. We still had some long shots but now at least things were managable. I started knocking the dogs off in the 175-300 yard range. Much more fun! One of the first dogs that game me a shot took a .204 pill to the gut, leaving a mess (see pictures below). I was able to get numerous dogs to perform some backflips and kartwheels.
The results of those backflips...
This one shows the distace...Skippy was standing next to his hole!
Our first day of shooting was cut short by a storm...
Day 3 - Friday
Our second day of shooting started with much calmer wind and lots of sun! We got an early start and went back to shoot the same location upon pulling up, we could see the prairie dogs running everywhere. We decided to set up and start shooting where we left off the afternoon before. I started off with a 215 yard dog that did some backflips for me. I then had 3 in a row at 225. While taking a short break to let the barrel cool, I walked down to chat with two of the other guys that came along. While talking, one of the guys notices a dog close enough to take a shot at with a pistol. He grabbed his Ruger 9mm and took a shot, the first sailed over it's head and the second connected in a big way...with Skippy's face! I had Scott walk over to the hole while I stayed where he shot and I lasered 52 yards with my Lecia range finder. Not to shabby for a 4" barrel 9mm free standing shot!
Close up of the damage!
In the afternoon we moved down to the lower field and my first 3 shots were kills. The first was a 350 yard shot to the body and the second was a 425 yard head shot, which was probably the best shot that I made the whole trip. The pictures of me and this dog will be posted as soon as I get them from my buddies camera. The third was another upper body shot that made Skippy do backflips (I love when that happens). While at this lower field, one of the guys from work that I convinced to get a .204 started shooting long distances again. I started watching him through my scope and watch him hit Skippy at 500 yards with his DPMS - those black rifles will really shoot. Once again, our second day of shooting ended when a nasty storm blew in which sent us running back to town.
Day 4 - Saturday
On Saturday we awoke to storm storms with high wind, rain and lighting. We ate some breakfast and decided to drive to Sidney to Cabelas. I ended up picking up a Gerber LMF II tactical survival knife (gotta have a big sharp weapon for when things get personal with Skippy) and I picked up a Surefire flashlight. As we walked out of Cabelas, it was SNOWING!

The wind was blowing 40, the temperature was dropping and it was plain nasty outside. We spent the rest of the day visting various local bars.
Day 5 - Sunday
Sunday was our day to drive back. It was chilly when we woke up bet dead calm and not a cloud in the sky. It was tempting to stay another day but we decided we better not play hooky and get back to Illinois.
All in all it was a great time even though the weather wasn't all that great. We all had some great shots on Skippy and for a couple of us it was our first time out and that's all it took, we are hooked. Everyone was talking about next year and what new rifles they will be assembling to shake things up in the prairie dog town. I for one recieved a text message from a good friend that is selling his brand new Rock River Arms lower with a set trigger (Which I helped convince him he needed). I will be putting a 6.5 Grendel upper on it, probably from Les Baer.
I have a ton of ammo left but at least I don't have to do much prep to be ready for the next trip! Also while out there I saw several antelope and made up my mind that next year I am going to try and take an antelope or two.
I'll be updating this post with more pictures when I get them from the guys at work.
Until then, here's a picture of the Morel's I cooked up for dinner!!