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Man 8, Gopher 1 - Canadian's need our help!

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:24 pm
by acloco

Re: Man 8, Gopher 1 - Canadian's need our help!

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:49 pm
by Captqc
The Canadians I've talked to seem to be anti-gun. Maybe they could just capture the little buggers and bring them down here so we evil Americans can blast them! :camper: (The squirrels that is) :lol: Gary

Re: Man 8, Gopher 1 - Canadian's need our help!

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:29 pm
by Rick in Oregon
acloco: I've got two points for this one:

1. With all the rat shooters we have here from western Canada, I'm surprised they didn't get in on the act with their rifles before those two bufoons let loose with their Rodenator device.

2. Being a Canadian originally myself (US Citizen now, and proud of it!), most of the Canadian's I know are pro-gun, it's just their idiot liberal government that runs the place that is out to lunch with their draconian gun laws (handguns banned). They still use the antiquated English Parlimentary system dating back hundreds of years.....glacially slow to act, ineffective, and about zero representation for its citizens. Just ask any of the guys from Alberta that post here on the forum about their government. But I digress......(hard to tell why I moved back to the good 'ole USA, isn't it?)

I wonder if those guys in the story will now revert or convert to using varmint rifles for what they are intended to do........rid the area of, you guessed it: VARMINTS! :lol:

Glad they're okay, bet they think about their methods the next time.

Re: Man 8, Gopher 1 - Canadian's need our help!

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:02 pm
by acloco
I saw the story and am thankful they made it out ok. But....WOW....are they L-U-C-K-Y!!!

Thought the article was interesting. Glad they made out ok.

Re: Man 8, Gopher 1 - Canadian's need our help!

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:43 pm
by race4hills
At the ranch that I stoot Pdogs at they had some guys out there for week using a rodenator device and didn't put dent in them before we came out there to shoot. After three days out there between the two of us shooting the rancher said he could see the differance we made. He just wants us to do a lot more of it. :D Good for us not so good for the Rodenator crew. :mrgreen:

Re: Man 8, Gopher 1 - Canadian's need our help!

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 8:40 am
by Verminator2
I used the Rodenator last year at my cousins, it was fun, but not overly helpful. I could shoot 5 rats before they did one hole.

Re: Man 8, Gopher 1 - Canadian's need our help!

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 8:36 pm
by Rick65Cat
Well, as an Albertan I can only say these must have been transplanted easterners that were using the "torch". :roll:
There are a LOT of .204 owners that I personally know here in Edmonton that say the same as I.
I'm hooked up with about 7 other guys that go on "Safari" about 4 or 5 times a year on the long weekends loaded to the t*ts with guns and ammo to help out our farmers in southern and eastern Alberta. We are also heading to southern Sask. for a 4 day shoot in May and I alone will be bringing 4 rifles, 1 shotty, (2 being .22 autoloaders with approx 10K rnds of HP ammo) Plus my .204, .223, and a 12ga....each of these will have about 400 rnds packed for each of them. There are some morons out there but don't band all us Canadians in with the idiots.
As for the Gov't, (for your info) the Li(e)berals ARE NOT in power and haven't been for a few years. There is a Conservative minority Gov't in power with some pro-gun seats in Parliment.

Where did this comment come from about the handguns banned in Canada? I own a Taurus .44 magnum and a Norinco .45 1911. No ban here buddy.

Re: Man 8, Gopher 1 - Canadian's need our help!

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:35 pm
by Captqc
The guys I talked to over in Vancouver made it sound like they couldn't own a pistol?? Is that a regional thing or were they just so anti-gun that they wanted me to believe that??? Sounds like Alberta has it's act together. Gary

Re: Man 8, Gopher 1 - Canadian's need our help!

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:26 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Rick (in Alberta): I'm probably behind the times up there, but when I lived on the big island in the early and mid 70's in logging camps, to be legal, we had to go to the cop shop to get a freakin' permit just to go shoot our handguns, and it HAD to be at a recognized shooting gravel pit, not in the woods, etc. (Of course none of us ever did that, being almost 100 miles from any town or Dudley Do-Right)

Glad to hear things have changed and the Lib's are out of power. I hope you guys keep it that way for a long time. I got so worked up over the idiots in power when I was still living there, that I moved back here to the USA for the real firearm freedom it offers.....and I'm Canadian by birth! :eek:

Re: Man 8, Gopher 1 - Canadian's need our help!

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:51 pm
by Captqc
Rick, it all depends in which part of Canada you were born, remember 54-40 or fight? :shotgun: A good chunk of BC is really Oregon Teritory so you might just be a native Oregonian! :eek: Gary

Re: Man 8, Gopher 1 - Canadian's need our help!

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:16 am
by CV32
Rick in Oregon wrote:... most of the Canadian's I know are pro-gun, it's just their idiot liberal government that runs the place that is out to lunch with their draconian gun laws (handguns banned).
The first part is correct; years of Liberal government did some serious damage to the firearms community. We still haven't recovered, and its hard to undo the damage with only a minority Conservative government in power.

Handguns are not banned. They're "restricted", meaning you need a special license (not terribly hard to get), and you cannot (in most cases) take them hunting but only to a shooting range.

Re: Man 8, Gopher 1 - Canadian's need our help!

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:51 am
by Rick in Oregon
CV32: Thanks for the clarification. Still, the laws up there were much to much for me, hence my move back down here where we still enjoy much more freedom in regard to firearms and handguns in particular, for now at least. (IF one of the liberal idiots running for pres right now does not get elected......) Heck, a .45acp is on me whenever I'm out of the house, and in the PD or squirrel fields, one of my .45's is usually converted to .22LR for shots of opportunity, just to have the handgun handy. Furball rodents really keep your pistol-shootin' eye in shape. ;)

My fat a$$ with my Kimber Tactical .45acp with the Kimber Rimfire Conversion mounted...always there, always handy.


Truth be known, nowadays I feel naked without a handgun on my person. Not paranoid, just the smug feeling of relative security.

Re: Man 8, Gopher 1 - Canadian's need our help!

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:18 pm
by CV32
Rick in Oregon wrote:... hence my move back down here where we still enjoy much more freedom in regard to firearms and handguns in particular, for now at least. (IF one of the liberal idiots running for pres right now does not get elected......
I hear ya, Rick. Contrary to popular opinion, shooters and hunters from both sides of the border aren't all that different. I've had the pleasure of hunting in the USA and I do appreciate the freedom you enjoy with respect to firearms. Your point about the people in power is one we as shooters need to always keep in mind. Our shooting and hunting rights are only as safe as the next government in power, whether that be Washington or Ottawa. We need to remain vigilant against their erosion. :D
Heck, a .45acp is on me whenever I'm out of the house, and in the PD or squirrel fields, one of my .45's is usually converted to .22LR for shots of opportunity, just to have the handgun handy ... Truth be known, nowadays I feel naked without a handgun on my person. Not paranoid, just the smug feeling of relative security.
I hear that too. Wish I could have my 1911 .45ACP with me.

Re: Man 8, Gopher 1 - Canadian's need our help!

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 9:07 pm
by Rick65Cat
Handguns are not banned. They're "restricted", meaning you need a special license (not terribly hard to get), and you cannot (in most cases) take them hunting but only to a shooting range.
CV32 has hit it exactly on the head. Our ATT (Authorization To Transport) allows us to take our restricted guns on the most expedicious route to and from the range without stopping.
Mine allows me to use any range in Alberta equipped for handguns.
I would LOVE to take my .44 magnum out P-dog shooting :twisted: just to see the geyser of earth and guts flying up after an impact with 240 grains of jacketed HP.
Hpefully the Conservatives can pull a majority govt out of the hat next election.

Re: Man 8, Gopher 1 - Canadian's need our help!

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:58 am
by Rick in Oregon
Rick: Myself, and I'm sure that most of us down here wish you guys the very best of fortune in the next election. But we all know how hard it is to overturn stupid laws on the books, especially gun laws.

We're saddled with rediculous gun laws here that even our brethern in the UK don't even have! Take silencers or moderators for instance. They are on the same restricted list here as machine guns! Sure we can have either, but we must subject ourselves to a $200 "tax" for each restricted item, and make our homes available for the "BAT Men" to invade and snoop around any time, day or night, whenever they want to verify the presence and proper storage of said restricted item.

I doubt with the inner city crime by the silly gangs that abound here (that kill each other for "turf", or a sidewalk they don't even own), that we'll ever get our gun laws reversed, but I wish you the best in doing so there. It is a tough road for us both, brother. :?