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Another yote from out the window

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:08 am
by Gube
Got another one this morning at 0830 hrs from the upstairs window of my wifes "craft room"
148 yds with a 35 gr berger, about 5 death spins and piled up 25 ft away.
I've got at least 6 (now 5) yotes out here that have been creating havoc for me this past week. They've been trying to get my two dogs and two cats and were almost successful in getting one cat (came in bleeding and missing some fur) and one dog. The dogs go crazy barking at them, and the yotes stay just inside the tree line barking back trying to entice my dogs to come in.
Had all six show up yesterday (saw them from off my deck). By the time I got the 204 ready on the deck they made a bee line for the tree line and disappeared. I went back in and got a screaming jack rabbit call and gave a couple of squeals off of the deck. Lo and behold they started running back. The first one hung up at 295 yds. Shot and missed. :wall: Forgot to take the wind into account. It was about a 35 mph crosswind which would have given me about a 30" drift. Totally missed.

[img] ... .jpg[/img]

Re: Another yote from out the window

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:41 am
by SuperSeal110
Nice yote.

Going to skin em out? :huh:

Re: Another yote from out the window

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:50 am
by Silverfox
Gube--That certainly is a nice looking coyote!!! Are they still prime up in your neck of the woods? The fur is in pretty rough shape down here in North DaColder.

I'll be doing some ADC work for a couple of ranchers and other than that, I'll leave the coyotes alone until next October.

Re: Another yote from out the window

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:11 pm
by Gube
Not prime up here anymore. Stating to show "blue". Main goal is trying to thin out the pack here at home. He'll end up as "raven/ crow / magpie food", which gives me another target. :mrgreen: