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Second, maybe Third varmint gun

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 2:40 pm
by TD-Max
OK, I have 3 already, but looking to add one or two more.

At present I have a Sako Varmint in 204 just like Rick's, a 10/22, and a Mark III. I had a Howa 22-250 and have it sold.

I love my Sako and am tempted to buy another in a different caliber, but I really don't care for having 2 of the same identical package. Maybe this same gun with a composite stock or different colored stock, but not twins. I really like the set trigger. I've toyed with a predominantly Varmint caliber like a 223 or 22-250, or maybe a deer/varmint caliber like the 243 or 270/270WSM. So I thought maybe a composite stainless tikka in 223 or 22-250 and maybe later a Sako Grey Wolf in 270. Then again maybe a 22 mag. The smaller gun would be a woods gun for squirrels etc. and would have a sporter barrel. The 204 Sako would get the majority of the shooting load for pdogs.

I should add that I have 22-250 dies and a fair assortment of bullets.

Re: Second, maybe Third varmint gun

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 3:28 pm
by acloco
Pick a caliber that your current will not accomplish.

Long range maybe?

Re: Second, maybe Third varmint gun

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 3:48 pm
Someday the Sako 85 Varmints are going to come. That is what I'm waiting for. Need another in 204. One is just not enough for colony shooting. I will compliment my 75 blue with the 85 in stainless.

Re: Second, maybe Third varmint gun

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 4:01 pm
by WrzWaldo
You can't go wrong with a sporter weight in 17 MK IV or 17 Fireball.

Re: Second, maybe Third varmint gun

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 5:22 pm
by glocknrock
Hey why make it hard on yourself start at 17 cal and end at 50 cal. :eek:

Re: Second, maybe Third varmint gun

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 5:29 pm
by Glen

Re: Second, maybe Third varmint gun

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 5:34 pm
by TD-Max
WHISTLEPIG wrote:Someday the Sako 85 Varmints are going to come. That is what I'm waiting for. Need another in 204. One is just not enough for colony shooting. I will compliment my 75 blue with the 85 in stainless.
OK, I'm scratching my head here. I thought mine was a 85 stainless 204. I don't think it's a 75. Or wait, maybe I did hear something about not bringing any more over???

Re: Second, maybe Third varmint gun

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 6:00 pm
by YoteSmoker

Re: Second, maybe Third varmint gun

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 6:55 pm
To my knowledge there have been no Sako 85's in the Varmint configuration imported to the US. The West coast distributor for Beretta has not seen one yet. I have been on the list for 18 months. What color is the recoil pad on your rifle? If it is red it is a 75, if it is black you may have a 85. There are a few more changes, but no one is certain what exactly they are. The stock is supposed to change a little, as is the checkering pattern. When did you purchace it? There is a few photos on the Beretta site of the 85 Varmint in both blue and stainless, but they are not great photos. I'm in no hurry. I like ny 75 so much I am willing to wait, The money is rat holed and the scope has been in my closet for a year.

Re: Second, maybe Third varmint gun

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 7:32 pm
by Rick in Oregon
TD-M: From what you and I discussed previoulsy, and from what Whistlepig suggests, you do indeed have a Sako Model 75 Varmint there.

You may have seen a recent post by yours truly whining that I just can't stand having only one 204 I'm in the process of building up another one based on a blueprinted Remington Model 700 stainless action, as if you shoot colony rodents, be they prairie dogs or ground squirrels, two is much better than one so that the trajectory is the same with both rifles.

As for caliber, that's a personal issue, but if I were to build something today for an "afternoon rifle", meaning one to be shot when the wind is up here in the west when the 204 is back in the truck, I'd build up a 6.5-08 Improved, or more commonly known as the .260 Remington Improved. Over on 6mmBR, there is a most excellent article on the comparison of the various 6.5mm rounds available today. They are sweethearts all the way, and for comparison, to get the same BC, trajectory, and wind deflection advantages they offer, you'd have to shoot a .300 Win Mag using 200 or 190gr bullets to equal them. The 6.5's have less recoil, cheaper to shoot = more fun to shoot, and more 1,000 yard competitors are using them every year compared to the big .30 caliber boomers. I'd prefer one based on the .308 Win case over the 6.5-284 for barrel-life reasons, as the .308 based 6.5's have almost three times the barrel life, approaching 4,000 rounds.

So you may consider just building another .204, wait for a Sako 85V in that caliber, or go for the gusto and build up a sweet shootin' 6.5mm varmint rifle that could also be used for deer, antelope, and other critters I'll leave to your imagination. Check out the piece on 6mmBR I mentioned, and you'll be plesantly surprised with what you'll learn. Good luck, and let us know what you end up with. :D

Re: Second, maybe Third varmint gun

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:04 pm
by TD-Max

Could you point me to this article. There's just so many different areas over there.

I like where this is going though. A little-big gun and then a small knock around like maybe a mini-14 or something for slogging thru the woods...

Re: Second, maybe Third varmint gun

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:13 pm
by jo191145
If you just want to carry a rifle in the woods a mini-14 is great. If you may one day want to shoot and hit something in the woods the mini-14 would not be my first,second or third choice. :lol:

Re: Second, maybe Third varmint gun

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:04 pm
by TD-Max

On the 260 Improved would it be a mistake to start with a Sako in 260 Rem? Not sure I could find one, but they make them...


If the mini can match my 10-22 it'll do. Just thinking out loud on the mini

Re: Second, maybe Third varmint gun

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 4:12 am
by jo191145

Not trying to squash your thoughts :) Just trying to save you the headaches I had getting into the centerfire scene with a mini-14. How inaccurate could a 223 be anyway? :lol: :P :lol: That was my logic :oops: :oops:

The answer, plenty. Mine shot factory ammo from 3 moa to 16 moa depending on fodder. My friends mini-30 about the same. The 3 moa stuff was one specific lot of South African surplus. Around 4 moa was the best I ever got with premium stuff. 16 moa with Win white box. Luckily I bought a case of that stuff with the rifle. :mrgreen:
If I were given a choice when shooting groups at 200yds I'd grab your 10-22 every time.

The mini might be OK for snap shots at yotes/wolves in thick woods if that fits your scenario :chin:

Re: Second, maybe Third varmint gun

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:22 am
by Rick in Oregon
TD-M: Sure, starting with a 260 Rem in a Sako would be about perfect for what you're after. You may even want to improve the chamber later on. Also, like jo191145 said, I'd ditch the Mini-14 idea; one of the most inaccurate modern weapons on the market, bar none. I've got a couple of custom 10-22's that will outshoot the Mini any day of the week. The only way to get a Mine-14 to shoot well, is to sink a bunch of money into it, and for what you end up with, it's just not worth the effort. A good AR would beat it hands down.

Here's the link I mentioned. Once you read the article, you'll see what I mean. All the parent cases discussed are of a moderate powder capacity such as the .308 Win case. I'd not go the 270 WSM route either for what you want. As the article shows, you don't need 70 to 80 grains or more of powder to shoot at extended range as long as you use an efficient case design, along with high BC bullets at moderate velocity. The 1,000 yard competitors need all the advantages they can get, and the 6.5mm caliber is what they're migrating to, so varmint shooters should pay attention to save themselves much money, time, and bruised shoulders. :chin: ... creedmoor/

Good luck with the project!