Dog Down
Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 8:20 pm
My HDR finally got some dog blood on it It was our 8th stand before we called him in. My dad started out with his Kerry Carver Rabid Rabbit distress open reed. We waited and then he played another tune on it. At just under 10 minutes he spots a coyote coming in pretty hard. I have a 6-18 (need to change that) on my HDR, so I barked 'cause I didn't want him to get too close. He didn't stop so my dad barks 3 times and he finally stops, partly behind a bush from me at about 120 yards. I take the head on shot and put one in his chest(not through the bush) and he spins and starts circling. I ask if I should put another one in him and I get the go ahead so I put on in his flank that quarters up and out of the boiler room, and his face eats dirt, but he gets back up and keeps going I shoot again, but missed the moving shot. We waited a minute, then went to find him. When we walked up to him and flipped him over there is a silver dollar exit on him. My guess is that I hit a rib or shoulder on the second shot
Good day
Good day