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Night time Yotes

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:35 pm
by Hawkeye Joe
They were hounding me again. This morning I could hear the howls of Yotes at my back fence. It sounded like only 3 or 4, NOT 20-30 like last Sunday night. Now last year I got skunked because I was walking out about 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile. There's nothing out there. Everything is at the fence line at night. No longer are they safe :twisted: . That's a Optronics 250 yard model sittin on my Predator :twisted: :twisted: .
Any NIGHT hunting tips would be appreciated :D I hope to drop one tonight. I hope i'm not under gunned :squee:

Re: Night time Yotes

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:40 pm
by Verminator2
Good luck!! I always thought my Optronics was kinda messy and got tangled up easy so I havn't used it. Look around here ... =0&Board=3 they have a whole section dedicated to night hunting.

Re: Night time Yotes

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:22 pm
by foxwhistler
One trick ive used with success in the past is to bait the area to be shot.Just make sure the bait is well fastened down.In fact ive seen someone else set up metal bars driven into the ground,and the bait placed onto them like a kebab.The benifit this gives is then the animal cant run off with the bait,and also you can set the bait at known distances.
This works with foxes,so i cant see why it shouldnt work for yotes.

Re: Night time Yotes

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 3:39 am
by Hawkeye Joe
Well, I tried a predawn hunt and nothing. Dead quiet. They'll be back,and when they do :reddot: . For my 20 minute hunts at the fenceline. I'm sure the light and cords can be controlled. I was wondering how the coyote's react to the red and white light???? Do they freeze,ignore it, or bolt after a few seconds. What's your experience?? Thanks

Re: Night time Yotes

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 4:57 pm
by Verminator2
I don't think coyotes are bothered as much by red light as white light because white light is more not natural if you know what I mean. Red light also lights up their eyes better, I think.

Re: Night time Yotes

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:35 am
by Singleshot
Hawkeye; I bought an Optronics 6 volt light when I was having trouble with a coyote trying to get into the chicken coop at night. The plastic clamp that holds the light on the scope is moulded at the wrong angle and when mounted, the light would shine on the ground about 60 yards out which was short of the distance I needed. The clamp is non adjustable so that pretty well rendered the light useless. Be sure to try yours before a real hunting trip to see if Optronics has corrected that problem. It would be so easy to put a pivot point on the base of the light housing to make the light more versatile. I don't know why that has never occurred to them.

Re: Night time Yotes

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 5:11 pm
by Hawkeye Joe
Yeah, that clip they give you is worthless. I just installed a 1 inch ring upside down and clamped it on. The beam also has horizontal and vertical movement knobs. I'm good to go, just need to hear some yotes. And when I do :zap:

Re: Night time Yotes

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:41 pm
by Ryan S Albright
I no longer use the optronics but started out with one they work but are a little clumsey and are more light than is needed. Get your self a rest to shoot off. A tripod if posible or sandbag. If you can get on uneven ground. If you get in a swell then you can look up hill this works good or on a hill looking down 2nd choice. You will need a steady rest because the target may only be a red eye. Most likely the coyote will know you are there so be quick to shoot. Start with a hand held light shined up in the air and bring it down on them using the halo of the light to get there eyes to give away there positon then bring the gun down on them quickly and fire if you hit them straight on they will cring from the light you will see them blink. Use some kind of cover it will help. Good luck.

Re: Night time Yotes

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:39 am
by sniper model 12
The problem I have with a light that attaches to my scope, is. . . well. . . I shoot a 13 pound gun. Yeah. . . I know. . . why 13 lbs.?? I've got various excuses, but the light puts me up to a near 14+/- lbs. The old addage "An ounce in the morning is a pound at night" comes to mind when carrying a lot of weight a fare distance. For me, I have a 1000 yrd walk to get the best sniper point.

A tripod does help. If ya want to save some money, I'll post some pics of my set up here soon. Camera tripod, t nut, plywood, and a drill.

Good luck with the moon dogs!

Re: Night time Yotes

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:16 pm
by Hawkeye Joe
My favorite spot is about 20 feet from my easy chair 8) . I'll be using sandbags. I sold my 250 yard light to a bud at work. I'm now waiting on the smaller 350 yard cammo model :twisted:

Re: Night time Yotes

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:41 pm
by Ryan S Albright
sounds like a great place to shoot from. A big light will find them way out there. Do you have a hand held light to start with?

Re: Night time Yotes

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:23 am
by Hawkeye Joe
I don't own a hand held light. The yotes are usually about 100-150 yards out. The red beam on my first light only went to 100. The clear would easily go to 250 yards. I want a red that will shine out to at least 150.

Re: Night time Yotes

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 4:26 pm
by Hawkeye Joe
Got my new light today. Nice and small with more power AARRR AARRR AAARRR. I guess the next step is a ATN night vision :chin: .Christmas is on the way :wink: ...
Last night, just after dark, I went out to align my old light because I replaced the mount. I shouldered the gun and flicked on the light. Nothing but eyes looking at me. The eyes were on the ground so I thought it was just some little critter. I turned the light off and walked 20 yards closer to get a better look. I flicked the light on and the eyes looked at me then just went back to eating the dog food the neighbors put out. Time for the white light. BAM!!! The critter just laid there in the 8+ inch grass. After about 15 seconds the Coyote got up and ran. COYOTE!!! what the heck. I could of put one between his eyes with no problems at all :reddot: . I was within 30 yards :oops: . He'll be back.. I hope. I'll take a look in a few minutes :twisted:

Re: Night time Yotes

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:47 am
by Singleshot
Hawkeye; What brand is that new light and where did you get it?

Re: Night time Yotes

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 2:46 pm
by Hawkeye Joe
Optronics is the brand. I ordered it from Cabela's. It's the 350 yard model.

Last night at 3:45am I was woke by yote howls. Flicked on the light and again they were laying on the ground with their heads low. This Night hunting is difficult. Especially when you just woke up. It's hard to focus looking through the scope with sleeping bugs in your eyes. I could of cracked off a shot at the eyes or the body when they trotted away. Looks like this is what needs to be done. I know my marksmanship is capable of a between the eye shot at 70 yards. But, I would like to see what i'm shooting at. Not just two glowing balls :? . We'll give it more time to see if the perfect shot presents itself. :twisted: . This is actually kinda fun :twisted: :reddot: