Yesterday evening I had a bit of spare time available and decided to go out and spotlight a fox.
It was a successful night with the 204 nailing a total of seven foxes. Most shots were around the 120m to 180m mark and all in the head/neck. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the first fox shot - he was in a rock outcrop which looked all too similar – no photo. The second had an injury on his left leg. The third fox was chewing on a piece of lamb. The last fox was the best shot, hillside to hillside - I could only see his reflectors, even with the scope on 14x I couldn't clearly make out the body in the light. I placed the cross-hairs a whisker above the eyes and touched off. I could just see the white of his chest roll over - the shot would have been around 300m! (To be confirmed at a later date)
The beaut thing was I could see all red-misting action and each basil going down through the scope. I am very impressed with the 204 and absolutely love those 39gr BlitzKings!!!!!
The arrival
Survived the first injury, second injury was terminal
Lamb for dinner
Back flipped on impact
Dropped at 180m
Misted at 120m
The long shot, ~300m
The property owner was contacted this morning and was quite impressed with the fox tally followed by, "when are you able to come out again?"
Basil Brush meets the 204 (photos)
- Junior Member
- Posts: 52
- Joined: Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:02 am
- .204 Ruger Guns: Remington 700 VSSF II
- Location: Southern Tablelands, NSW, Australia
Basil Brush meets the 204 (photos)
"Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."
"Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."
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- .204 Ruger Guns: Ruger 204 Ultra Light, Ruger 204 Standard, Ruger Target Gray
- Location: Hemet California
- Junior Member
- Posts: 52
- Joined: Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:02 am
- .204 Ruger Guns: Remington 700 VSSF II
- Location: Southern Tablelands, NSW, Australia
Thanks fellas, it was a very satifying result indeed.
I use a Lightforce SL170 which is over 1,000,000 candlelight power. Just use the standard clear lens.Ryan S Albright wrote:How much candle light power are you using and what color of lenses.
"Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."
"Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."