Rockchucks and the Predator
Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 6:46 am
TT35, a friend and I went out and shot some rockchucks yesterday. We spotted the first rockchuck at 440 yards, so I set up a bench and shot. He flew 6 ft. in the air and cartwheeled
After that I couldn't hit hardly any thing with out them running off(to much wind to get a good hit, but I recovered all of the runaways) but the ones I did hit good were DRT. TT35 didn't hit one, but our friend got a couple. Overall it was a good day hunting, even though we couldn't hit much of anything.
After we got back to town and dropped off our friend we went down to the locale sporting goods store to pick up a Savage Predator Hunter rifle.
I LIKE THIS GUN!! We slapped a scope onto it and went to the range. We worked up loads with the 35 gr. Bergers and Benchmark. The first one was 25.5 and it shot a .65 group, the next one was 26 gr. and it shot a .576 with three in one hole and the other to almost touching
Our last group was 26.5 and it shot .696 with two in one hole and the other two almost touching. The wind was blowing a little weird for any real good results. I have high hopes for this rifle. I will try to post some pictures a little later.

After we got back to town and dropped off our friend we went down to the locale sporting goods store to pick up a Savage Predator Hunter rifle.
I LIKE THIS GUN!! We slapped a scope onto it and went to the range. We worked up loads with the 35 gr. Bergers and Benchmark. The first one was 25.5 and it shot a .65 group, the next one was 26 gr. and it shot a .576 with three in one hole and the other to almost touching