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Yote hunting with a new friend

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 7:06 pm
by faucettb
Had a young fella drop in today from Minnasota. He had been yote hunting in Montana and had called me before he left home and ask if I would show him some of the places I hunt here in Idaho.

We went up on the Camas Praire and low and behold there was a coyote in the first place I usually hunt. Just stood out in the field til we stopped. My new friend decided it was time to get his rifle uncased. I showed him several good sets in that area and then we went over to another place I like setting up and here was another coyote.

By now I had to tell him I paid those coyotes to show up today. Anyway nothing like bragging on a place to hunt and have yotes all over when you show a new guy around. When he left for his camp down on the Clearwater river he was asking about work in this area.

No dead coyotes for me today, but it was just an excellent day with a new friend anyway.

Where we hunted today. This is from the top red marker in the pix below.

A Google view of one of my favorite places.

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 7:36 pm
by Rick in Oregon
So Bob.....even though you went through "Acme Coyote Service", and had these very cooperative dogs loitering around for your buddy, can we assume from your comments that his marksmanship was not up to your coyote producing skills? :lol:

Seems a shame to come all that way, have Wiley E. standing out there, and not have fur in the locker at the end of the day.

Great pictures by the way, and nice use of our buddies at Google Earth too. That is about the coolest download around....I have it loaded too, and "cruise the world" all the time.

Thanks for sharing. ;)

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:03 pm
by SportFaller
Where in Idaho were you? that looks like the area around Southwick... I'm up in the deary country. How about this warm weather and rain?

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:31 pm
by faucettb
Actually Sportfeller its across the Clearwater from Southwick on the Peck side. Go up the New Merose grade. When you come to the old Melrose Church take the next left. It will be labeled the Timmons road and it's more of a field access road that crosses to the next road. The draw actually starts behing the Melrose cemetary (just up aroudn the corner, crosses the road and eventually feeds into Big Canyon.

I've been shooting yotes up there for better than 40 years and it's usually pretty good.

Rick. Actually I was just showing him some good spots, kinda guiding you know and didn't even bring a gun, just some binocs. It was raining like the dickens and around ten in the morning. He plans to come up tomarrow and do some sets and calling.

He had his rifle ready but the second on took a short course to a ditch and was gone quicker than he could get out and get some cross hairs on it.

Sport here's a view of that country from the Cavindish side.