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Howdy from Salt Flat, Texas !

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 5:24 pm
by NiriTawa
Howdy, everyone! I just joined today, and think that I am going to enjoy this group a lot. A but about myself: My screen Name is Na'vi, (I agree strongly with the core environmental message of the movie "AVATAR", and am learning the Na'vi language so that I can converse with others on AVATAR discussion groups. My "Earth Name" is Sabrina, "Brie" to my friends. I am 65, retired Army, and an active pilot. I have been shooting since I was 12 years old, hunting since I was 14 years old. I am still an excellent shot, I used to be a member of a Division level National Match Rifle Team in 1969.
Two days ago, I became the VERY proud owner of a Savage model 12, in .204 Ruger. It will be next week some time before I get to shoot it, but I can't wait. Our retirement home is a long, thin 80 acres, 750 feet wide, and 1.2 miles long, with a 4,700 by 90 foot grass airstrip running right down the middle of it. We are beginning to get a few P-dogs on the fringes of our property, and last year, I killed 15 of them with a Mossberg 144 LSA rifle at ranges of 70 to 100 yards. They have now gotten smarter, and now stay 200, to 400 yards away, which was the need for a dedicated long range varmint rifle. I used to reload all of my ammo back in the early 90's, (25-06, 30-40 krag, 10mm pistol, and 357 pistol) but stopped in in 1996, and will pick it back up again in a week or so.
Well, that's about it, folks, Y'all have a great day now.

Re: Howdy from Salt Flat, Texas !

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 9:09 pm
by Bill K
Welcome to the forum, looking forward to stories and photo's of your area and hits with the new 204R.. Bill K

Re: Howdy from Salt Flat, Texas !

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 10:13 pm
by TEXAS222
Howdy back to you from southeast Texas. Welcome to the site. JD

Re: Howdy from Salt Flat, Texas !

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:01 am
by Rick in Oregon
Welcome aboard there, Brie.

I'm sure your PD's will not appreciate your efforts to field that 204R, which I'm certain they'll be very familiar with soon. You think they were skittish before? Good thing you've got a good LR varmint wacker!

Great caliber, you're going to love it, I promise. :D

Re: Howdy from Salt Flat, Texas !

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 9:01 am
Cool! You are now Head of Airport Security!!! We now know your location, rifle and cartridge. Care to share what type of aircraft you have for that long grass strip? Welcome to '204 Ruger'.

Re: Howdy from Salt Flat, Texas !

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 4:27 pm
by NiriTawa
Actually it doesn't need even a third of it, It is a restored 1940 Taylorcraft BC 65. My sweetie pie has a 1956 Cessna 140, and we have several ultralights between us to boot. Most of my friends on the other hand, all have training wheels on their aircraft. C-185, C-172, a Comanche, and a Ercoupe.

Re: Howdy from Salt Flat, Texas !

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 8:41 am
by savgebolt
hi N

Re: Howdy from Salt Flat, Texas !

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 8:48 am
by savgebolt
hi Niri
welcome to the forum,,, i too recently entered the .204 world,,,, this form contains a wealth of knowledge,,, is composed of an awesome group of people,,, you will love reading and contributing here ,,,, i also have a model 12 in 22-250,,,, fcv,,,,what version did you buy ,, another forum i frequent is,,,happy shooting

Re: Howdy from Salt Flat, Texas !

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 3:32 pm
by NiriTawa
I got the FV.

Re: Howdy from Salt Flat, Texas !

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 8:45 am
NiriTawa wrote:Actually it doesn't need even a third of it, It is a restored 1940 Taylorcraft BC 65. My sweetie pie has a 1956 Cessna 140, and we have several ultralights between us to boot. Most of my friends on the other hand, all have training wheels on their aircraft. C-185, C-172, a Comanche, and a Ercoupe.

That Talorcraft is an awesome little plane!

Re: Howdy from Salt Flat, Texas !

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 10:00 pm
by Sidewinderwa
Welcome aboard to a great place to talk shooting. You will love the Savage 204, they are great! Hook up your seat belt, the critters are going to have a rough landing ahead! If you will be reloading, try the 39 grain Sierra Blitzkings. My Savage 204s love 26.0 grains of H4895 powder and Remington 7 1/2 BR primers. That is 1 1/2 grains under the listed max load, but where mine is the most accurate. Oh, we like lots of pictures. :banana: :banana: :banana:

Re: Howdy from Salt Flat, Texas !

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:20 am
by NiriTawa
THANKS, Sidewinderwa, I will be going down to the Rod and Gun Club at Ft. Bliss next week, And I'll pick up the Blitzkings, and the H4895. I have everything else. By the way, I grabbed the P-dog photo, and put it in my hard drive.

Re: Howdy from Salt Flat, Texas !

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 9:14 am
Can't go wrong with 32 gr V-Max bullets and RL10X either, for the little critters.

Re: Howdy from Salt Flat, Texas !

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:51 pm
by NiriTawa
I already have 100 round boxes of Berger varmint 30, and 35 grain match grades, as well as a 100 round box of Berger 40 grain boat tailed match grade varmints, as well as a 100 round box of Hornady 32 grain V-max bullets. Just waiting for the powder, and primers.