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Not a hunting story, Just a fun one

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 5:25 pm
by futuretrades
I don't really know where to post this thread, and things on here have been slow as always, during the summer doldrums, but I thought some of you might like to see some of what I have to put up with, trying to keep my garden safe. I live in a small town in the far northern part of the communist state of Kalifornia :eek: in a town named Weed. About 45 miles south of the Oregon line. The town is named after the founding father of the town, not the drug. Every day I go out and water my garden, and for about a week now I have seen activity in my garden that I hate. I knew from what I see, that I have a deer problem!
This afternoon when I went out, I happened to see the culprits behind my garage. I went back inside and grabbed my camera, to see if I could get a couple of shots. Following are a couple pics of the deer that have been causing the problems.

He is a 4 point on 1 side and I counted 6 points on the other side. Looking at his face, he has a somewhat of a gray face, indicating he is an older buck. I had to get these shots thru the windows in my garage, to keep from spooking them.



This buck is smaller, a 3x3, and a younger deer.


The deer here are black tail deer. Smaller than the muley's just east of here, and smaller than the whitetail deer. No whitetale deer in my area. I also am being overrun by the Valley quail around my place. These guys have destroyed my lettuce garden this year. Like almost everyone else, I do enjoy the wildlife for the most part, but I can't seem to catch a break! :wall: I like my fresh veggies more! :lol:
Just thought some of you would enjoy this too!

Re: Not a hunting story, Just a fun one

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:09 pm
by TrapperDan
I would be more than happy to give up a few veggies to be entertained by nice bucks like that. Dan

Re: Not a hunting story, Just a fun one

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 2:09 am
by Glen
Nice bucks!! I hope you get the 1st one on camera after he's shined up!! The 2nd fella is gonna be darn nice in his own right as well.

Re: Not a hunting story, Just a fun one

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:32 am
by Nor Cal Mikie
The trick is, plant enough for everybody. I've seen them jump an 8 foot fence. :o Had 3 does making the rounds at 3 AM this morning. If it's green, they'll eat it. ;)

Re: Not a hunting story, Just a fun one

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 6:18 am
by Bill K
I have the same problem, but I do not call it that. Love to watch them. The wife however wish's they would stop nipping all her flowers as they bloom. It is so dry this year, they are in more, even during the day, trying to find water, more than anything. Anything that holds water, from watering the lawn and flowers they drink. Quail, band tail and doves also. I am out of town about 8 miles on the Eagle lake road, so we have plenty of visitors from the wild life.. Just fun. Bill K :)

Re: Not a hunting story, Just a fun one

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:25 am
Neat pic's, there! Might try one of those automatic sprinklers with the motion detector. I would like to but, the price has kept me away. Anyway, this type of 'problem' reminds us of just how lucky we are!

Re: Not a hunting story, Just a fun one

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:55 am
by Nor Cal Mikie
Solved some of their eating problems. Roses? Tomatos? Forgetaboutit. They love them. Midnight gardners. :shock:
I planted about 2500 Bearded Iris. (You think I like Iris?? 8) ) The deer won't touch them. Some of the younger deer will pick off a flower one time. I'll find it laying on the ground. The deer won't eat the fans. ;)
Got Elk coming thru the yard. (Game trail) Eat the lower branches of the apple trees, CLEAN! Went out around midnight and saw 3 BIG cows working on the apple trees. Across the street, two BIG bulls fighting over a heard of about 20 cows. That was a REAL SHOW to watch. 8) 8)

Re: Not a hunting story, Just a fun one

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 12:06 pm
by futuretrades
Here are a few pics of the Valley Quail that keep coming into my garden. I had to take these pics from out of my pickup. Actually when I drove home last nite, I seen these quail in my front yard. So I parked my truck, in the back of the house, and went inside for my camera. When I went back outside to get back in the truck, here came the quail that, I first seen in the front of the house. Now I was armed with my camera, and I got some shots from inside my pickup. Here are a few of them.

This is looking into my garden. I caught these guys taking a dirt bath, looking thru my tomato plants, into my squash plants.


Pappa doing his bath;


Another shot of him just before he got "dirty"


Running full blast to get into the cover of my garden :lol:


Like a lot of you guys posted, I do love seeing mother nature and her creatures just trying to survive. I've been watching these quail from when they were just little chicks, maybe an inch or two tall. Still juveniles, growing very fast.
Just thought you might like to see my pic's.

Thanks for looking! :D