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nosler varmageddons

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:46 am
by bazz
they do explode well and very accurate heres a pix of a chest shot rabbit if you look close he dosent have any internals left. shot a wombo as well and a they do penetrate well was in the 222 its a pity they dont make bigger than 32 for the 204 cheers bazz


nosler varmageddons

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 3:52 am
by boomer84
I am pretty sure the make a 40 grain varmegeddon BT for the 204!! But keep up the good work mate just need to teach that rife to skin now and you will be set. Ha ha ha

nosler varmageddons

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 3:56 am
by boomer84
Looks like I was mistake on the 40 grainers luckyI never bet my lefty on it!!

Re: nosler varmageddons

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 4:51 am
by bazz
boomer84 wrote:Looks like I was mistake on the 40 grainers luckyI never bet my lefty on it!!
that could of been painful thanks boomer

Re: nosler varmageddons

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 6:35 am
by broper
The Nosler 32 gr. Varmageddon is the most accurate bullet in my .204. Win. brass, BLC(2) powder, Rem. 7 1/2 primer. Had one three shot group go into .169. The largest group was under 7/8". With 39 gr. Sierra's I was always between 3/4 and 1 ". 4ogr. V-max stay right around 3/4".

Re: nosler varmageddons

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:04 am
by bazz
thanks bob i like the 39s they shoot really well in the tikka and they a tough i do ask a lot out of the 204 i shoot some very big animals at times and stretch the barrel but if the price keeps going up ill start shooting the 32s cheers bazz

Re: nosler varmageddons

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 5:02 am
by broper
I've shot mostly 40 gr. V-Max in my .204 but I'm really liking the 32 gr. Varmageddon. I shot a badger at about 200 yds, hit him dead center chest. It put him down without a wiggle. I had a splash on a broadside shot at a badger with the 39 gr. Sierra and a buddy had a splash on a coyote with it so we've started using them only on ground squirrels and rockchucks. The 40 gr. V-Max works real good on badgers and coyotes.