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P dog hunt for me and wife's grandfather

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 8:39 pm
by harry
Looking for a place to go p dog hunting for me and my wife's grandfather. I live and Virginia and him in Ohio so I know we will have to travel I would like some suggestions some place that's not to expensive for a stay and have plenty of p dogs.

Re: P dog hunt for me and wife's grandfather

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 6:52 am
by Mike
Harry, with all due respect everyone is looking for exactly what you describe. Those who have found such places tend to keep them very quiet, because once word spreads the places get ruined in a hurry.

I've been in your shoes and my best advice is to choose an area that you are interested in and start working the phone. You can check with state wildlife offices, but my best results come from locals in a given area. Try calling local co-op or feed stores, because they are familiar with the land owners in their area. Some rural towns also have a list of people who allow prairie dog shooting, so calls to town offices can be effective.

With the distance you are traveling and inexperience shooting prairie dogs, an outfitter might be a viable option. It's certainly more expensive than finding your own locations, but your odds of good shooting increase a lot. I just finished driving 2,100+ miles for a prairie dog trip that turned out to be a massive disappointment. That's a risk I accept each year when I venture out on my own (read: no outfitters). I put in my own leg work and find spots before leaving home, but sometimes they fail to meet expectations. You'll have to decide which risk/reward ratio works best for you. Best of luck in your search.

Re: P dog hunt for me and wife's grandfather

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 8:09 am
by harry
Thanks for the info I was thinking of an outfitter then once out there (before or after the hunt ) start asking around for places to hunt for the up coming weeks and year. I just didn't know if someone has used an outfitter or could recommend one. I am sure there are good and bad outfitters out there.