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204 and Sage rats

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 8:33 pm
by bdweis73
Been a few weeks since my third full fledged sage rat outing in Crane Oregon, I got some what lucky again as weather was sunny and warm, but the wind never stopped. So I could not get any confirmed 500 yard plus shots like I had hoped. But I was flat impressed with my Savage 204 at 350-400 yards with the wind, I had never had that many string of shots without a miss. Id go about 8 to 9 then have a miss usually my fault not judging a wind gust. It seemed like a constant 10 mph with gusts over 20. And I have to say I have permission on a couple of circles that have not been shot on more than a couple times a year, and they were absolutely loaded. went through 850 rounds of 204 in 3 days and lost count of 17hmr for closer shots one field set up tables and moved once in 10 straight hours of shooting. Now to find powder for reloads, Brother in law had his 22-250, tried it for a couple shots and that was enough went back to my 204s. nothing like reticle on hair pull the trigger at 400 yards and hear that 39 SBKs thwap when it connects I giggle thinking about it. sorry no pics to busy pulling the trigger.

Re: 204 and Sage rats

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 2:34 am
by Bodei
Sounds fun. The grass wasnt too tall? This year has been windy every time I wanted to shoot.

Re: 204 and Sage rats

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 5:55 am
by Bill K
Same around here Bodei. Wind, drizzle(some) and even a couple of snow flurrys.. Slow shooting this year, so far. Bill K :(

Re: 204 and Sage rats

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 9:29 am
by futuretrades
Same thing going on here! :mad: In a normal year, I would be having problems running out of time for my reloading chores, and rifle cleaning, for the next shoot! :eek: With the weather being what it is, I can't even get out to shoot some loads I have worked out for the VT.

Re: 204 and Sage rats

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:08 pm
by bdweis73
yep the grass was just right about right 3" tall on the circles I shot at, passed through about a month later and alfalfa was about 8" tall so a standing rat you would be lucky to see there head only. And I have to say the rats were plentiful in the areas I set up at, But bummed to here one rancher was going to poison one of his fields, he had a serious issue with rats, four of us shot for two days on one circle and I don't think we put a dent in the population. He asked if I could come back and shoot more, said I would like too but time was short this year.