My first fox + a goat with the 204R (with pics of the fox)

Experiences and effectiveness in hunting with the 204 Ruger.
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My first fox + a goat with the 204R (with pics of the fox)

Post by Freeman »

Hey Ruger fans; I've been in pursuit of my first red fox for some time. While I've seen many in the past year, it's always been when a shot was not possible or when I was hunting small acreage for rabbits with ultra-low velocity .22LR at night. I’ve always taken these opportunities to observe the behaviour of the fox. While fox seem to be plentiful at the moment, they are crafty and often don’t offer a shot. It’s been a bit of a journey for me and I’ve learnt a lot about these cheeky predators.

After an intense few months studying, in which I couldn't get to hunt, I headed away to the family property for a few nights. It’s a very dry and steep landscape and there’s often nothing to shoot apart from the small population of rabbits. We haven’t seen a fox there in many years. After a short walk while hunting on the first morning, I heard the bleat of a goat. I scrambled up one side of a steep hill and peered over the other side. On the creek line was a single goat of about 80lb about 120 meters away. It was separated from the herd. I chambered a couple of 45gr spire points as I feared the V-max wouldn’t do the Job. It was an easy shot and the goat collapsed backward after being hit. The bullet entered and exited the lower neck with a hole of less than an inch. Apologies but I didn’t bother with photos of the goat as I’ve shot many and it’s not much of a trophy animal.

That evening, I put the 204R to its intended use; blowing up varmint. I noticed at this point that the rabbits were particularly flighty. They scrambled at the sight of me. I set up under a bush and waited for one to come out from cover. Shooting from the Bi-pod at around 80 meters and loaded with 40gr V-max, I popped the first bunny that felt it was safe to come out. When I went to retrieve it, I was both horrified and impressed. The very large rabbit was now a pile of legs and intestines. It was not my 1st rabbit with the 204R but it was the messiest. I would’ve needed a shovel to pick it up. Thinking about how frightened the bunnies were, I wondered if a frequenting fox had them terrorised. As appetising as the rabbit looked, I left it as an offering to fox or other predators. Just before leaving to return to the cabin, I blew my Nordik predator call for good measure.

The next day gave cause for excitement. The Rabbit Soup offering was gone and later on while unarmed (I was going fishing) I actually caught a glimpse of a fox running away from the noise of the 4wd not so far from where the rabbit was dispatched. It was strange to see the fox in the middle of the day but it was all I needed to see and I returned that evening with an LED spotlight fixed on top of the scope. Sadly I forgot to bring the fox whistle. I spotlighted for an hour but didn’t see my prey. The next night I was better prepared. I parked the 4wd a long way from the site and proceeded on foot in darkness so as not to spook Mr Fox. It was freezing, dark and windy and fox hunting didn’t seem like such a great pastime at this point. I reached the spot I wanted to be (after tripping a dozen times) then loaded the Howa with 40gr Vmax. I blew into the predator call which shrieked not unlike a panicked rabbit. After 20-30 seconds I flicked the light on and scanned the area……….nothing yet. In darkness again I repeated the call………flicked the light on…..still nothing. After about the 5th whistle I flicked the light on and saw two brilliant yellow eyes shining down on me from some bushes somewhere between 70 to 90 meters up a hill. Fox eyes shine brighter than any other under the spotlight.

I had to remind myself not to panic at this point. Stepped to one side to get a full view of the fox. He was side on and looked like he was about to run. I could only manage an unsupported standing shot. With the crosshairs on the chest area I fired. The fox disappeared. I looked for him but all the bushes made it hard to identify the spot he was when I fired. Disappointment was setting in as I started to think I missed, when I saw the tail laying over a log. The Vmax had entered the chest and exited the opposite side with a clean hole of around ¾” and knocked the fox off his feet. Anyway, I dragged him into the open for a couple of pictures. Sorry that you can’t see my scope mounted spotlight in the pics but I needed it to take photos.



Heading back home after my stay, I saw an early morning fox stalking something in an open paddock, which is all I needed to see to get me keen for my next one.
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Re: My first fox + a goat with the 204R (with pics of the fo

Post by broper »

Hi Freeman,
Nice fox, and god job collecting him. Where are you located? My .204 is a Rem. 700 VLS. I've only shot ground squirrels, rockchucks and a couple badgers with it. Hope to shoot a coyote with it this season and I'd love to get a fox.
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Re: My first fox + a goat with the 204R (with pics of the fo

Post by Freeman »

Thanks Bob,

I'm just west of Sydney in NSW Australia. I do my shooting in the blue mountains. I don't know if the fox are becoming more common or more brazen but I see them every time I go out there, whether I'm hunting or not. In July I stayed in a mountain cabin with the wife and was surprised to see three foxes that appeared to be hunting together.

Good luck with your first fox or coyote. predator hunting is great fun.
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Re: My first fox + a goat with the 204R (with pics of the fo

Post by Sth Oz Dan »

Congratulations Freeman. Nice story. Thanks for taking the time to get it up here.
Those crafty little red dogs can be very tricky to catch sometimes.
Then you get the odd young one that will run almost to your feet on the first whistle. That gets your heart jumping!
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Re: My first fox + a goat with the 204R (with pics of the fo

Post by Freeman »

Thanks Dan,

Yeah, I hear summer is the time for the young uns? I'll be ready with my whistle. I see from some of your others posts that you've bagged a few red devils! Kinda wish I had this one mounted now. Reckon he'd look great curled up at my feet in the study!
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Re: My first fox + a goat with the 204R (with pics of the fo

Post by Sth Oz Dan »

I've been told they have 2 mating seasons - May and September, so there should be 2 flushes of young ones. But we're getting close to the time of year when one bunch is on the prowl. I can see the neighbour's juicy green wheat crop from my kitchen window, and when that dries and comes off, I expect to see a few young ones early morn or late arvo, chasing mice in that paddock :D Love my kitchen window
The very young ones never seem too interested in the whistle - never had a chance to eat a rabbit I guess. But once they're on the bunnies they're suckers for the whistle, unless they've been shot at and missed, then they wisen up pretty quick.
Sounds like you're doing the right thing anyway mate. You've bagged one - I'm sure you'll get stuck into them again :yeah:
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Re: My first fox + a goat with the 204R (with pics of the fo

Post by bazz »

Well done freeman , if your hunting in a area with foxs this time of the year they are feeding young and will come to baits, put baits out and check baits regularly and when they start chewing on them return with your rifle with the days getting longer foxs are about earlier and are quit brazen and will do anything to feed the young cheers bazz
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Re: My first fox + a goat with the 204R (with pics of the fo

Post by bow shot »

Good job, and thanks for the write-up!
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Re: My first fox + a goat with the 204R (with pics of the fo

Post by Clint E »

Freeman nice job on the fox and taking the time to share the hunt.
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Re: My first fox + a goat with the 204R (with pics of the fo

Post by Freeman »

Thanks guys, and thanks for the tips for future hunts.

Here's one more pic taken the next morning. He was a healthy looking dog before he met me! :lol:

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